スペインバルセロナSpainBarcelona 旅行Travel

バルセロナ グルメ 直感で入ったら意外と当たりだったお店 その1 Barcelona Gourmand A cafe and restaurant that was surprisingly successful when you entered it intuitively.



When I went to Spain, I definitely had a lot of plans to see flamenco, drink with tapas, eat paella, see Gaudi architecture, and so on. This time it was a tight trip of 2 nights and 3 days, so I could only go to typical tourist destinations, but Barcelona is a very attractive city that I would like to visit again.

バルセロナ Barcelona Google mapより

フラメンコ観てタパスで飲んで Watch flamenco, drink and eat with tapas


To see flamenco, I went to a cool square called King's Square!

この雰囲気ある通路を抜けると… When you go through this atmospheric passage … Google mapより
Plaça Reial ヤシの木が植えられた素敵な広場に出ます。Plaça Reial You will find yourself in a lovely square with palm trees. Google mapより
王の広場というだけあって、クラシックな回廊が素敵です。Google mapより As it is a king's square, the classic corridor is wonderful.
フラメンコ劇場はこの広場内にあります。Google mapより The flamenco theater is located in this square.
Flamenco was passionate about dancing, playing the guitar, and singing.
Los Tarantos Pl. Reial, 17, 08002 Barcelona,



I watched flamenco. I feel like it was less than an hour each time. The stage was close, the number of seats was small, and I was able to see the stage very close to me, and the heat of flamenco was transmitted to my body.

After watching flamenco, I was thirsty and hungry, so I went to tapas in the same square. I chose it because of the outside atmosphere, but it was a hit. At tapas, a gentle handsome man welcomed me, the sake was delicious, the pinchos were all delicious, and the atmosphere of the shop was great.

こちらがフラッと入ったタパスGLACIAR. This is the tapas GLACIAR Google mapより
お店のカード GLACIAR
お店サイトより 店内様子 夜も雰囲気あります。Pl. Reial, 3, 08002 Barcelona,
Inside the store There is an atmosphere at night.
GLACIAR ←Google mapへ  王の広場には素敵なお店が沢山あります。 There are many nice shops in the King's Square.

パエリア食べたい! I want to eat paella!


If I go to Barcelona, ​​Spain, I definitely want to eat paella. I definitely have to eat paella with plenty of fish and shellfish! So I entered a restaurant near the harbor ♪

お店サイトより パエリア写真

パエリア ちょっとしょっぱかったですが大変美味しかったです。

Paella It was a little salty, but it was very delicious.
Nice restaurants are lined up in the corner of the harbor lined with luxury yachts. Just at noon, I chose a store with a lot of people and entered the store.

豪華ヨットハーバーのレストラン Luxury yacht harbor restaurant Google mapより
港の元倉庫を改装したおしゃれなビルです。カタルーニャ歴史博物館も入っています。It is a fashionable building that was renovated from the former warehouse of the port. It also contains the Catalunya History Museum. Google mapより

選んだのはLA GAVINAというレストラン。テラス席もあって、開放的で海とヨットを見ながらの食事は優雅でした。

I chose a restaurant called LA GAVINA. There was also a terrace seat, it was open and the meal while watching the sea and the yacht was elegant.
This fashionable warehouse building is the only remaining building in Barcelona's old industrial port and was designed in 1881 by engineer Maurici Garrán, who was inspired by the British port buildings of the time.

Google mapより  お店外観 Store appearance
La Gavina Pl. de Pau Vila, 1, 08039 Palau De Mar, Barcelona ←Google mapへ

ブケリア市場 市場内で朝ごはん Mercat de la Boqueria Breakfast in the market

Google mapより ブケリア市場入り口 Buqueria market entrance
Google mapより ブケリア市場 La Rambla, 91, 08001 Barcelona,


The big market in the center of Barcelona has all kinds of vegetables, fruits, meat, seafood, cheese, sweets and delicatessen, as well as a cafe bar where you can easily stop by and a restaurant with a counter table.
I stayed at YMCA, so I went to this Buqueria market for breakfast and had a sandwich with an omelet and a cafe. It was very delicious.

ブケリア市場サイトより Bar Central2  From the Mercado de La Boqueria market site
ブケリア市場より なんと中華まであります! Wok Boquelria Vegetaria From the Mercado de La Boqueria market site.There is even Chinese food!

-スペインバルセロナSpainBarcelona, 旅行Travel
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