アメリカAmerica 旅行Travel

ニューヨーク ブルックリン ウィリアムズバーグ グルメまとめ New York Brooklyn Williamsburg Gourmand Summary


ブルックリン・ダンボ・ウィリアムズバーグの食事とカフェの話もまとめたほうがよいということで、まとめてみました。I thought it would be better to summarize the story of Brooklyn Dumbo Williamsburg's meal and cafe, so I summarized it.

Doughnut Plant ドーナツプラント歩き疲れたらドーナツ


Brooklyn, the roads are wide and the sidewalks are wide and easy to walk. I saw many people running and walking dogs.
The Brooklyn Museum, which I was looking forward to, was closed on that day, and I was a little disappointed and walked down the main street to enter the donut plant.
A lot of donuts that look delicious are lined up, and they all look fashionable and delicious. (I can't take a picture of the inside of the store.)

Doughnut Plant 245 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217
広い道路に急に現れる黒い洒落たビル A stylish black building that suddenly appears on a wide road
お店の外のベンチはドーナツ模様です♪売られているドーナツもこのようにカラフルです。The bench outside the shop has a donut pattern ♪ The donuts on sale are also colorful like this.
紙袋もかわいらしいです。The paper bag is also pretty.
ベリー系のドーナツ(その名もワイルドブルーベリー)、4ドル。小さいが酸味と甘みが美味しい。Berry donuts (also known as wild blueberries) for $ 4. Small but delicious in sourness and sweetness.

Devocion デヴォシオンお洒落なカフェで休憩 Take a break at a fashionable cafe


Eat donuts and walk further towards the Brooklyn Bridge to open up an urban city. Around here, I found a fashionable cafe due to the cold weather and tiredness of walking, so I decided to take a break again as a toilet.

Devocion 276 Livingston St, Brooklyn, NY 11201


When you enter the store, you will find a fashionable and warm atmosphere based on yellow. There are lots of foliage plants between the seats, and there are some seats where you don't really care about the conversation next to you.

ラテとコーヒーを注文。カップも黄色で可愛いな。I ordered latte and coffee. The cup is also yellow and cute.
コーヒーは酸味があり、煎りが浅く?好みの味でした。Is coffee sour and lightly roasted? It was my favorite taste.
塩味のきいたスコーンとともに小腹を満たす。Fill your stomach with salty scones.

Burrowブロウ ブルックリン・ダンボのスイーツ屋さん Brooklyn Dumbo sweets shop


The fashionable area of ​​Brooklyn is here! !! There are many buildings that have been renovated from a brick warehouse, and he said, "It's the cityscape that I sometimes see in Gossip Girl Season 1!"

ブルックリン橋が見えます。石畳とレンガ倉庫もカッコイイ~~~!You can see the Brooklyn Bridge. The stone pavement and brick warehouse are also cool!
Burrow 68 Jay St #119, Brooklyn, NY 11201


This is what a cute sweets shop is! I went to a shop called. It's a small shop called Bourrow. It's in the building. Certainly it may be a shop in a place that seems to be submerged in a building.

ハート形のナッツのビスケット。Heart-shaped nut biscuits.
お店外観 Store appearance
お店が入っているビルのエントランスの床。おしゃれ。The floor of the entrance of the building where the shop is located. Fashionable.
お店が入っているビルのエントランスの床2。おしゃれ。The floor of the entrance of the building where the shop is located. Fashionable.
すべてが美味しそう。Everything looks delicious.
クッキーも種類が豊富 A wide variety of cookies


I bought several kinds of cookies and had them crunchy while looking at the Manhattan Bridge in a fashionable area where the warehouse of Dumbo was renovated.

アメリカの源氏パイ。American Genji pie.
ベリー系のジャムが挟まったビスケット Biscuits with berry jam.

ピータールーガ ウィリアムズバーグでTボーンステーキ Peter Luger Steak House T-bone steak at Williamsburg

最寄り駅はM・J・Z線のMarcy Av駅(マーシーアベニュー)。

When I went to New York, I went to the steakhouse "Peter Luger" that I definitely wanted to visit!
The nearest station is Marcy Av Station on the M・J・Z line.

Peter Luger Steak House 178 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11211
すでにロゴがカッコイイです。The logo is already cool.
ピータールーガの前で格好いい女性とすれ違いました。I passed a cool woman in front of Peter Luger.
店内入ってすぐ。クラシックな装飾が素敵です。Immediately after entering the store. The classic decoration is nice.
屈強な男たちのランチはステーキなんですね。The lunch of strong men is steak, isn't it?
このパン、塩味が効いてて食欲増進します。This bread has a salty taste and enhances your appetite.
分厚いベーコンが3枚。これがまたすっごく美味しい。パンにも合いますが、ごはんにも絶対合う!Three thick bacon. This is also very delicious. It goes well with bread, but it definitely goes well with rice!

こんなにたくさん、女二人で食べられないよー!笑 なんて最初にキャッキャ言いながら心配したことは嘘のように、ペロリといただきました!

I can't eat so many with two women! Lol The first thing I was worried about while saying crazy was like a lie, and I ate it!

Black Brick Coffee ブラックブリックコーヒー 食後のコーヒー Coffee after a steak meal

さて、お腹がいっぱいになったところで、ウィリアムズバーグを散策することにしました。Now, when we're full, we decided to take a walk in Williamsburg.

Black Brick Coffee 300 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211


Old buildings, new generation cafes and shops, old-fashioned greengrocers, etc. are lined up, giving the citizens a sense of life and friendliness. However, there was an atmosphere that I couldn't walk on the night road, and I was a little nervous.

壁画もおしゃれ~~。奥に見えているのはウィリアムズバーグ橋です。The murals are also fashionable. You can see the Williamsburg Bridge in the back.


We entered the cafe when we were tired of walking. After all, this was also a cafe that made me think that it was run by young people at Third Wave Coffee. The inside of the store is also fashionable with a handmade feel using waste materials.

テーブルや椅子・ソファは拾ってきたのかな?といったややアンティークなものばかり。Did they pick up the tables, chairs and sofas? Only a little antique things.
味は、濃いけどサッパリしているような感じで飲みやすいです。The taste is strong but refreshing and easy to drink.
天井も手作り感満載。The ceiling is also full of handmade feeling.
コーヒーカップの柄もオリジナル感があっていいです。The pattern of the coffee cup should also have an original feel.
カッコイイ外観のお店が多いです。There are many shops with a cool appearance.

-アメリカAmerica, 旅行Travel
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