アメリカAmerica 旅行Travel

ニューヨーク・マンハッタン カフェまとめ New York Manhattan Cafe Summary


I thought it would be better to summarize the story of the cafe in Manhattan, New York, so I summarized it.


歩き疲れたら、カフェで休憩 If you get tired of walking, take a break at the cafe

I just walk while sightseeing. I think I walk about 20,000 steps a day. If you are "tired," "thirsty," or "cold / hot," you can take a break at the cafe. Moreover, there are many cafes that are fashionable and seem to be calm. As expected, New York.

Starbucks coffee is everywhere in New York. I think there are as many as Tokyo. The photo is Starbucks coffee inside WTC station.
The basement of the WTC station is widely connected. Starbucks coffee directly connected to the station is also here.
This is Starbucks Coffee near the stock exchange.
エンパイアステートビル近くのスターバックスコーヒー.Starbucks Coffee near the Empire State Building.
いたる所にスターバックスコーヒー.Starbucks coffee everywhere.

Amazonの本屋さんに併設されたカフェでトイレ休憩 Restroom break at the cafe attached to Amazon's bookstore

新しくて広いけど、マナーが悪い客が多いのか、散らかったトイレでした。が、背に腹は代えられない。( ´Д`)=3 フゥ

After going to a Korean restaurant, this is a cafe where I had a severe pain in my stomach due to overeating and cold weather. To use the toilet, the PIN code written on the edge of the receipt is required. Order at high speed and bring your receipt to the bathroom! !!
It was a new and spacious toilet, but it was a messy toilet, probably because there were many customers with bad manners. However, the belly cannot be replaced on the back. ( ´Д`)=3
Aside from that, it was a good space to take a break casually.


By the way, I don't know if it's a regular or just a person with a big nerve, but as soon as I enter the cafe, there is a woman who rushes in with a loud voice saying "Tell me your PIN for the toilet ~~~~ !!" did.Lol

老舗デパートの格好いいスタバで休憩と買い物 Break and shop at a cool Starbucks in a long-established department store

Before climbing the Empire State Building, I went to the long-established department store Macy's, which I was told to take a look at. There was Starbucks Coffee ★ / R, which was the latest at that time, and this was also a nice store suitable for Macy's.



メトロポリタン美術館で歩き疲れたら、ウィーンへトリップ ザッハトルテで糖分補給 If you get tired of walking at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, take a trip to Vienna and replenish sugar at Sachertorte.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is full of exhibits and attractions that you can't go all in one day. I wanted something sweet, so I decided to take a break at a cafe recommended by my friend.

It's Neue Gallery New York. A cafe in the main museum of Austrian and German artists. Sachertorte is famous.

ノイエギャラリー Neue Galerie New York 1048 5th Ave, New York, NY 10028
ニューヨーク5番街の中心に位置します素敵な建物。A nice building located in the center of Fifth Avenue in New York.
Cafe SABARSKYカフェサバースキーの中、数種類のザッハトルテが素敵に並んでいます。Inside the Cafe Sabaski, several types of Sachertorte are lined up nicely.
美しいザッハトルテです。味も見た目も華麗です。It is a beautiful Sachertorte. The taste and appearance are splendid.
ザッハトルテは二人で分け合いましたが、味が濃厚で大変満足でした。Sachertorte was shared by two people, but the taste was rich and I was very satisfied.

NORITAのかわいいカフェで休憩 Take a break at NORITA's cute cafe

Little Cupcake Bakeshop 30 Prince St, New York, NY 10012

おしゃれなNORITAをぶらぶらしていると、ピンクのネオンがかわいく輝くお店を発見しました。その名もLittle Cupcake Bakeshop 早速中へ。
When I was hanging around the fashionable NORITA, I found a shop where pink neon lights shine cutely. The name is Little Cupcake Bakeshop.I will enter immediately

かわいいカップケーキが沢山!ショーケースもおしゃれです。Lots of cute cupcakes! The showcase is also fashionable.
サクサクのアップルパイ、美味しかったです。The crispy apple pie was delicious.
かわいい店内Cute store interior

マグノリアベーカリーで休憩 Take a break at the MAGNOLIA BAKERY


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