アメリカAmerica 旅行Travel

ニューヨーク観光おすすめ名所2 New York Tourist Attractions 2


摩天楼の景色と美術館 Skyscraper view and museum

このページで紹介する所は、韓国料理レストランでランチ,エンパイアステートビルとその周辺,メイシーズ 老舗デパート,タイムズスクエア,ニューヨーク公共図書館,ニューヨーク名物 ロブスターサンドでランチ,グランドセントラルターミナル駅,ロックフェラーセンター,ブロードウェイで演劇鑑賞です。

  1. WTC オキュラス
  2. WTC グラウンドゼロ
  3. WTC~チェンバーズストリートまでの地下道
  4. NY公共図書館
  5. NMAI 国立アメリカインディアン博物館
  6. THE MET メトロポリタン美術館
  7. THE MET ブロイヤー
  8. THE MET Cloisters クロイスターズ
  9. Neue Galerie New York
  10. GUGGENHEIMグッゲンハイム美術館
  11. MoMA
  12. リンカーンセンター オペラハウス
  13. ホイットニー美術館
  14. アメリカ自然史博物館
  15. エンパイアステートビルとその周辺
  16. ミュージカル/タイムステスクエア/ブロードウェイ
  17. ブルーノート
  18. メイシーズ
  19. ウォール街
  20. ハイライン/Chelseaチェルシー
  21. セントラルパーク
  22. 5番街
  24. ブルックリン ウィリアムズバーグ
  25. ブルックリン ダンボ
  26. ブルックリン橋
  27. グランドセントラルターミナル駅


The places introduced on this page are lunch at a Korean restaurant, Empire State Building and its surroundings, Macy's long-established department store, Times Square, New York Public Library, New York specialty lobster sand lunch, Grand Central Terminal Station, Rockefeller Center, Broadway It is a play appreciation.

  1. WTC Oculus
  2. WTC Ground Zero
  3. Underpass to WTC Chambers Street
  4. NY Public Library
  5. NMAI National Museum of the American Indian
  6. THE MET Metropolitan Museum of Art
  7. THE MET Breuer
  8. THE MET Cloisters
  9. Neue Galerie New York
  10. GUGGENHEIM Museum
  11. MoMA
  12. Lincoln Center Opera House
  13. Whitney Museum of American Art
  14. American Museum of Natural History
  15. Empire State Building and its surroundings
  16. Musical / Time Test Square / Broadway
  17. Blue note
  18. Macy's
  19. Wall street
  20. Highline / Chelsea Chelsea
  21. Central Park
  22. Fifth Avenue
  24. Brooklyn Williamsburg
  25. Brooklyn Dumbo
  26. Brooklyn Bridge
  27. Grand Central Terminal Station

The spots introduced on this page are in red, and the spots that have already been introduced are in gray.

メトロの路線図 PATHはうっすら描かれている線です。Metro route map PATH is a slightly drawn line.

ニューヨーク老舗デパート メイシーズ New York long-established department store Macy's

この日訪れたところ Where we visited on this day
老舗デパートメイシーズ前 目の前はエンパイアステートビルが見えます。In front of the long-established department store Macy's, you can see the Empire State Building.

PATHに乗って、33rd Streetまで来て駅を出ますと、公園があり、目線を上げるとエンパイアステートビルが早速見えます。


Take the PATH to 33rd Street and exit the station, there is a park, and if you look up, you can see the Empire State Building immediately.
While being overwhelmed, first head to Macy's, a long-established department store in New York. The purpose is to look inside the building built in 1902.
In particular, the escalator inside the store has a rare wooden one, which is said to be the oldest in New York City.

木製エスカレーター クラシックで木のぬくもりがあって乗り心地(?)も良かったですよ。Wooden escalator Classic, warmth of wood and good ride quality (?).

メイシーズのスターバックスカフェに入るべし Should go to Macy's Starbucks Cafe

シックな方のスタバ Inside the chic Starbucks store



The purpose at Macy"s is a classic and upscale Starbucks.
You can see the window glass and the big clock in the store. The staff, the cashier counter, and the items on sale are abundant and cool.
Both the latest and old ones at that time were sold, so I think it's a good shop for Starbucks fans.

サイフォン使うんですね。They use siphon

エンパイアステートビルの前にランチ Lunch before going to the Empire State Building

美味しい韓国料理レストラン Delicious Korean restaurant


There was a very good Korean restaurant near the Empire State Building. At lunchtime, the office workers in the neighborhood came in and the seats were filled up in no time. As soon as I sat down, a tea service and several types of kimchi and namul, which are rare in New York, came out one after another.

韓国料理 Madangsui Korean BBQ 35 W 35nd St fl 2, New York


There was a very good Korean restaurant near the Empire State Building. At lunchtime, the office workers in the neighborhood came in and the seats were filled up in no time. As soon as I sat down, a tea service and several types of kimchi and namul, which are rare in New York, came out one after another.

チャプチェはご飯味噌汁付きもあります。Japchae is also available with rice miso soup.

Amazonの本屋さんに併設しているカフェへかけこみ Hurry to the cafe attached to the Amazon bookstore

本屋に併設しているカフェ Cafe attached to amazon books





After lunch, I took a short walk and found Amazon Books in front of the Empire State Building. There is also a cafe.
I suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom, so I entered the store.(゚д゚;)ate too much…=3
You need to enter the code to open the key to enter the toilet.
(Usually it's okay to put the 4-digit number under the receipt into the door key.)
Some of them shouted to the staff, "Tell me the toilet code!"
However, there is no toilet paper, it has not been cleaned, and it may be a hit, so please prepare a piece of paper that can be flushed down the toilet.

エンパイアステートビル Empire State Building

アールデコのビルは美しい Art Deco is beautiful




Admission is $ 34 for adults (up to the 86th floor)
It's always a great procession, but it's a place you should visit at least once.
Take the elevator to the 80th floor. Change to the 86th floor and go to the outside observatory. During the move, the decorations everywhere in the building were Art Deco and very nice.

モザイク画も美しい。The mosaic picture is also beautiful.

ニューヨークの摩天楼を見下ろす Overlooking the skyscrapers of New York

陽が沈むころ When the sun goes down


The daytime scenery and the night view are very beautiful. However, it is very cold in the latter half of October, so winter clothes are essential. Bring a jacket made of a material that does not allow air to pass through.

照明もオシャレです。Lighting is also fashionable.

深夜1時頃まで入場できます。2時閉所。You can enter until around 1 am. Closed at 2 am .

ニューヨーク公共図書館 New York Public Library

Google mapより ミッドタウン Midtown
It is a lion statue that started to move in the movie "Ghostbusters". ↑
The two lions on the lookout of the library have the nicknames "patience" and "indomitable".




Do you know the movie "Ghostbusters" (1984)?
Actress Sigourney Weaver, famous for starring "Aliens," is the heroine, and three unemployed men open a business to exterminate ghosts and vacuum cleaners in old New York buildings one after another, set in New York. Since it is a historic building, famous places will appear one after another.
And this library comes out of the first scene.
On the plane to go, I saw "Ghostbusters" on the movie list for some reason. It was helpful.
This is one of the recommended movies to watch before going to New York.

ゴージャスな噴水もあります。There is also a gorgeous fountain.


The entrance to the library is gorgeous, and the inside of the library is heavy and sighs.


The entrance to the library is gorgeous, and the inside of the library is heavy and sighs.

広くて明るくてゴージャスです。It's wide, bright and gorgeous.

1911年開館 民衆のための無料図書館は人文科学、社会科学、及び美術において世界的に有名な蔵書を補完しています。

Opened in 1911, the Free Library for the People complements the world-famous collection of books in the humanities, social sciences, and art.

見上げるとこりゃまたゴージャスな天井画が!Looking up, there is another gorgeous ceiling painting
NY公共図書館 476 5th Ave, New York, NY 10018

ランチはニューヨーク名物ロブスターサンド Lunch is New York's famous lobster sandwich

ニューヨークと言えばロブスター!Speaking of New York, lobster!
ロブスターを獲るカゴがインテリアに The basket that catches the lobster is in the interior


We went to a lobster and burger shop that was introduced by a friend for lunch this day. I ordered a lobster sandwich and a hamburger.

上がロブスターサンド、下がハンバーガーです。共にサラダ・ポテトたっぷり!The top is a lobster sandwich and the bottom is a hamburger. Plenty of salad and potatoes together!



There was plenty of volume, and we ate and compared half each. It's very delicious. Lobster Morimori.
I paid $ 20 for a hamburger set, $ 25 for a lobster sandwich set, and a tip of 18% for a total of about $ 57.

Burger & Lobster 132 W 43rd St, New York, NY 10036

グランドセントラルターミナル駅 Grand Central Terminal Station

正面の時計は、世界最大級のティファニーのガラス細工がはめ込まれている。The front clock is inlaid with Tiffany's world's largest glasswork.

今の駅舎は三代目。1913年2月1日に完成。コンペで選ばれたReed and StemおよびWarren and Wetmoreによって設計された、古典主義風のボザール様式(アメリカン・ボザール)の建築物とのこと。ニューヨーク公共図書館もボザール洋式でしたね。

このガラス細工の周りは商業の栄光(Glory of Commerce) と呼ばれる彫刻群が取り囲んでいる。
この彫刻はフランスの彫刻家Jules-Felix Coutanによるデザインで、John Donnelly Companyによって制作された。


It was one of the stations I wanted to go to after watching the drama "Gossip Girl".
The current station building is the third generation. Completed on February 1, 1913. It is a classicist Beaux-Arts (American Beaux-Arts) building designed by Reed and Stem and Warren and Wetmore selected in the competition. The New York Public Library was also Bozar Western style.
The front façade on the 42nd Street side is adorned with a 4-meter clock, which is fitted with one of the world's largest Tiffany glasswork.
This glasswork is surrounded by a group of sculptures called the Glory of Commerce.
The three statues in it represent Minerva, Hercules, and Mercury.
This sculpture was designed by the French sculptor Jules-Felix Coutan and produced by the John Donnelly Company.
When the sculpture was released in 1914, the three 15-meter statues were considered to be the largest group of sculptures in the world.

中がさらに素敵です。The inside is even nicer.
一角においしそうな惣菜やサンドイッチを打っている店舗がいっぱい。There are many stores that sell delicious side dishes and sandwiches in one corner.
天井には星座が There is a constellation on the ceiling
なんかいろいろ素敵なんです。Various things are wonderful.

ロックフェラーセンター Rockefeller Center

WISDOM 英知 人類の英知を表現しているとのこと Wisdom: It expresses the wisdom of humankind.


The Rockefeller Center was built in 1939 by the well-known millionaire John D. Rockefeller. .. The statues of Prometheus and Atlas in front of the building are also famous. I didn't have much time, and I only looked outside.

スケートリンクもオープンしてました。The skating rink was also open.


Lee Lawrie:米国の第一級の建築彫刻家の一人であり、第二次世界大戦前のアメリカのアートシーンの重要人物。

Numerous works of art welcome people to the building. What I wanted to see was Lee Lawrie's work in Art Deco style in front of this building.
Lee Lawrie: One of America's premier architectural sculptors and a key figure in the pre-WWII American art scene.

夜はライトアップがムーディー。Moody lights up at night.
10月はハロウィーンの装飾^^;October is Halloween decoration

タイムズスクエアはバーチャルのような街 Times Square is a virtual city

夜も華やか Gorgeous at night


All the signboards are panels that show images, and the advertisement images change one after another. Moreover, the image quality is beautiful. Perhaps the speed of change is also matched with others, I will see it changing well without disturbing each other. It feels like you are in a virtual world.

新しいテクノロジーと騎馬隊ポリス New technology and cavalry police
パンクな10代なヴィーナス誕生とAmazon広告 Birth of punk Venus and Amazon advertising

マジェスティック劇場でオペラ座の怪人 Phantom of the Opera at the Majestic Theater

開場前に安くなるチケットを求め並びます。Before the opening, we will line up for cheaper tickets.


It will be cheaper if there are vacant seats from about 1 to 2 hours before the performance starts. The price range is about $ 27 to $ 155. We were a little late, but we were able to get a seat for $ 59.

マジェスティック劇場も見ごたえある建築物です。The Majestic Theater is also a spectacular building.

Mafestic Theatre

Mafestic Theatre
Opened in 1927, Broadway's largest theater can accommodate 1645 people. Speaking of the Majestic Theater, it's a long run as if it were a monster at the Opera.

開演が近づくにつれ照明やらいろいろ姿を現してきます。As the performance approaches, lighting and other things will appear.

The stage and live music were beautiful, and it was a night soaked in the lingering sound for a while.

-アメリカAmerica, 旅行Travel
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