アメリカAmerica 旅行Travel

ニューヨーク観光おすすめ名所4 New York Tourist Attractions 4


THE MET Cloisters クロイスターズ


  1. WTC オキュラス
  2. WTC グラウンドゼロ
  3. WTC~チェンバーズストリートまでの地下道
  4. NY公共図書館
  5. NMAI 国立アメリカインディアン博物館
  6. THE MET メトロポリタン美術館
  7. THE MET ブロイヤー
  8. THE MET Cloisters クロイスターズ
  9. Neue Galerie New York
  10. GUGGENHEIMグッゲンハイム美術館
  11. MoMA
  12. リンカーンセンター オペラハウス
  13. ホイットニー美術館
  14. アメリカ自然史博物館
  15. エンパイアステートビルとその周辺
  16. ミュージカル/タイムステスクエア/ブロードウェイ
  17. ブルーノート
  18. メイシーズ
  19. ウォール街
  20. ハイライン/Chelseaチェルシー
  21. セントラルパーク
  22. 5番街
  24. ブルックリン ウィリアムズバーグ
  25. ブルックリン ダンボ
  26. ブルックリン橋
  27. グランドセントラルターミナル駅

The places introduced on this page are THE MET Cloisters, South American food for lunch, Highline, walking around Chelsea, hanging out at SOHO / NORITA, walking all day, and having a lot of delicious food.

↓The spots introduced on this page are in red, and the spots that have already been introduced are in gray.

  1. WTC Oculus
  2. WTC Ground Zero
  3. Underpass to WTC Chambers Street
  4. NY Public Library
  5. NMAI National Museum of the American Indian
  6. THE MET Metropolitan Museum of Art
  7. THE MET Breuer
  8. THE MET Cloisters
  9. Neue Galerie New York
  10. GUGGENHEIM Museum
  11. MoMA
  12. Lincoln Center Opera House
  13. Whitney Museum of American Art
  14. American Museum of Natural History
  15. Empire State Building and its surroundings
  16. Musical / Time Test Square / Broadway
  17. Blue note
  18. Macy's
  19. Wall street
  20. Highline / Chelsea Chelsea
  21. Central Park
  22. Fifth Avenue
  24. Brooklyn Williamsburg
  25. Brooklyn Dumbo
  26. Brooklyn Bridge
  27. Grand Central Terminal Station

ニューヨークから中世ヨーロッパにタイムスリップ Travel back in time from New York to medieval Europe

190St.Subway 駅ホーム


I took the PATH to WTC and took the blue line A (towards Inwood) to 190 St. Subway.
Don't forget to bring your ticket to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
When you leave the station, you can see nature and the stone town at once. If you look into the valley from the side of the road, you will find many housing complexes. You can see the classic park, the magnificent Hudson River, and the housing complex under the valley, which is a little strange atmosphere.

駅から歩いてすぐ左手に崖とその下はハドソン川、右手の下を覗くと団地群 Just a short walk from the station, the cliff on your left and the Hudson River below it, and the housing complex on your right.

It was like a medieval monastery that appeared through a wonderful forest! !!

石造りの建築物は中世そのもの! The stone building is the Middle Ages!

それもそのはず、フランスから移設された、中世ヨーロッパ期の建築様式を模してデザインされた複数の大修道院の5つの回廊(クロイスター )が、建物の構成要素になっています。


That should be it, the five corridors (cloisters) of several abbeys designed to imitate the architectural style of the medieval European period, which were relocated from France, are the components of the building.
Croysters means the corridor that forms the core of the medieval monastery. Construction began in the 1930s as an annex to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

日本の狛犬っぽい顔ですね。It looks like a Japanese guardian dog KOMAINU.


The collection includes Western medieval art and architecture. More than 2,000 medieval European art and buildings dating from the 12th to 15th centuries are exhibited in a harmonious space reminiscent of the medieval atmosphere.

サン=ミシェル=ド=クシャ (Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa)、
サン=ギレム=ル=デゼール (Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert)、
トリー=シュル=バイズ (Trie-sur-Baise)、
フロヴィル (Froville) からのもので、

The corridor relocated from France
From Froville,
Each was brought to New York in dismantled state and rebuilt at Fort Tryon Park from 1934 to 1938.

回廊とハーブ園 Corridor and herb garden



A combination of church space and secular space arranged in a clear and logical time series from the Romanesque (about 1000 to about 1150) to the Gothic era (about 1150 to 1520).
The three reconstructed corridors have gardens planted according to the horticultural information found in medieval works of art such as medieval papers and poems, garden documents and herbs, tapestries, stained glass windows and stigmas.

ユニコーンの間 Unicorn hall


In addition, around the Cloisters, there are gardens where cultivars expressed in medieval manuscripts and crafts are planted, and various herb gardens such as those found in medieval monasteries.
In addition, Fort Tryon Park and Cloisters have been designated as National Register of Historic Places.

THE MET Cloisters クロイスターズ
参考サイト:THE MET

This is a must-see when you come to New York. I recommend it!
THE MET Cloisters
March-October: 10 am to 5:15 pm
November-February: 10 am to 4:45 pm
Closed: Thanksgiving, December 25th, January 1st

PioPio8で南米料理ランチ South American lunch at PioPio8


After enjoying a lot of medieval times, I took a bus through Harlem and Columbia University to the New York Times building. I'm hungry, so I went to PioPio8, a Peruvian restaurant recommended by my friend, for a late lunch.

Google mapより 秋冬は外にテーブル出てなくて、一回素通りしました。In the fall and winter, I didn't go out to the table and passed by once.


The entrance is narrow, but there is a depth, and when I go to the back, suddenly there is a large floor with a stairwell in the basement, so I went in a casual style, so I thought it was good not at night. ^ □ ^;
First, I ordered beer, then 1/2 roasted chicken and something like seafood paella.

ペルーのビール?Peruvian beer?
鶏もぷりぷり、シーフードもたっぷり、満足の食事です。It's a satisfying meal with plenty of chicken and plenty of seafood.

PioPio8 604 10th Ave, New York

夕方~夜のハイラインを散歩してチェルシーへ Take a walk on the high line from evening to night to Chelsea

Google mapより この辺から登り…Climb to the high line from this area …
長~い木製ベンチがあり、疲れたら休めます。ライト使いが格好いい。There is a long wooden bench, so you can rest when you get tired. The light usage is cool.


Fill your stomach with Peruvian food and walk a little to the high line. I walked to Chelsea Market in Chelsea while admiring the scenery.

この斬新なビルはZAHAHADID!!This innovative building is designed by ZAHA HADID.
開発地域でもあり、新しいビルや倉庫をオシャレに改装したビルが沢山見れます。It is also a development area, and you can see many new buildings and warehouses that have been fashionably renovated.

I arrived at Chelsea in no time because I was looking at the cool scenery of Manhattan.

Google mapより チェルシー 遅くまでオープンしています。Chelsea is open until late.


In Chelsea, there were many fashionable shops, offices, and cafes with many shops that remodeled the warehouse.

SOHO/NORITAをぶらぶら Hanging out SOHO and NORITA

大きい車と大きい人とおしゃれカフェ Big cars, big people and fashionable cafes


Starbucks coffee was everywhere in New York and New Jersey, but there are also many old-fashioned cafes, each with a different taste and it seems to be fun to drink and compare.

think coffee を沢山見かけました。お店の雰囲気がいろいろで楽しい。
I saw a lot of think coffee. The atmosphere of the shop is various and fun.

マグノリアベーカリーでお茶 Tea at Magnolia Bakery

Google mapより お店外観 From Google map The appearance of the store
The paper cup has an illustration of the shop window and is cute.


There are many local people (such as the elderly) in the shop, which is full of people, and you can see that the shop is loved by both residents and tourists.

Blueberry cheesecake and coffee


We had coffee and cake in the store.

The cute interior seems to be inside a picture book.

Magnolia Bakery West 11th Street, 401 Bleecker St, New York

NORITAはとにかく新しい流行発信地 NORITA is a new epidemic source

Shops in the fashionable area are exploding youth!
街角のカップケーキ屋さん A cupcake shop on the street corner


Mainly cupcakes, but there are also many other sweets such as cakes and pies.
The lighting and decoration inside the store are beautiful and cute, and customers from students to local madams come in one after another.

Pink lighting is cute


We ordered tea and apple pie. The scent of cinnamon and the sourness and sweetness of apples were super-delicious for the body tired from walking.

カップも可愛いのです。 The cup is also cute.

Little Cupcake Bakeshop 30 Prince St, New York

The streets are lined with cafes and restaurants with a delicious atmosphere.

チャイナタウンとリトル・イタリーの間でカニ Crabs between Chinatown and Little Italy

カニエプロン! Crab apron!




I told my friend that I would like to thank you for staying with us, and we met at the shop where we requested.
A short walk from NORITA, you will find Little Italy and Chinatown.
The meeting shop was found immediately. A sign with a picture of a crab and lobster welcomes you.
When I entered the shop, it was already full, and I was squeezed by couples and families.

Chic appearance. Urban crabs will welcome you.


The table is lined with vinyl gloves and aprons, shell-breaking equipment, shell-filling bowls, and more.
The bread you eat with crabs has a lot of butter flavor and you can continue to eat this bread like salt bread that is slightly fried.
The inside of the store is lively, and when you drink alcohol while smelling the good smell from the next table such as garlic, crab, shrimp, lobster, crab appears!

Shrimp, crab, crayfish? And corn!


Boiled crabs and shrimp are entwined with a characteristic source of garlic. And the corn that boiled in it! This is also very delicious!

The lighting inside the store is dark.


We ate a lot and left the remaining sauce on the bread. Many people bring back the sauce here.

The Boil 139 Chrystie St, New York

リトルイタリーも素敵な店が多い There are many nice shops in Little Italy


There are many old-fashioned Italian grocery stores, general merchandise stores, and gelato stores, so you won't get tired of it.

大きなハムにチーズ、調味料! Big ham, cheese and seasonings!
ジェラートも美味しそうで夢があります。Gelato looks delicious and have a dream.

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