

アメリカAmerica 旅行Travel

ニューヨーク観光おすすめ名所5 New York Tourist Attractions 5


・ブルックリン ウィリアムズバーグのカフェ
・ブルックリン ダンボを散策


  1. WTC オキュラス
  2. WTC グラウンドゼロ
  3. WTC~チェンバーズストリートまでの地下道
  4. NY公共図書館
  5. NMAI 国立アメリカインディアン博物館
  6. THE MET メトロポリタン美術館
  7. THE MET ブロイヤー
  8. THE MET Cloisters クロイスターズ
  9. Neue Galerie New York
  10. GUGGENHEIMグッゲンハイム美術館
  11. MoMA
  12. リンカーンセンター オペラハウス
  13. ホイットニー美術館
  14. アメリカ自然史博物館
  15. エンパイアステートビルとその周辺
  16. ミュージカル/タイムステスクエア/ブロードウェイ
  17. ブルーノート
  18. メイシーズ
  19. ウォール街
  20. ハイライン/チェルシー
  21. セントラルパーク
  22. 5番街
  24. ブルックリン ウィリアムズバーグ
  25. ブルックリン ダンボ
  26. ブルックリン橋
  27. グランドセントラルターミナル駅

The places introduced on this page are
・ Steak with gravy from Peter Luger
・ Brooklyn Williamsburg Cafe
・ Walk around Dumbo, Brooklyn
・ Cute cake shop
・ Walk the Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan
I really need cushioned sneakers. I walked until I was exhausted on this day as well.

The spots introduced on this page are in red, and the spots that have already been introduced are in gray.

  1. WTC Oculus
  2. WTC Ground Zero
  3. Underpass to WTC Chambers Street
  4. NY Public Library
  5. NMAI National Museum of the American Indian
  6. THE MET Metropolitan Museum of Art
  7. THE MET Breuer
  8. THE MET Cloisters
  9. Neue Galerie New York
  10. GUGGENHEIM Museum
  11. MoMA
  12. Lincoln Center Opera House
  13. Whitney Museum of American Art
  14. American Museum of Natural History
  15. Empire State Building and its surroundings
  16. Musical / Time Test Square / Broadway
  17. Blue note
  18. Macy's
  19. Wall street
  20. Highline / Chelsea Chelsea
  21. Central Park
  22. Fifth Avenue
  24. Brooklyn Williamsburg
  25. Brooklyn Dumbo
  26. Brooklyn Bridge
  27. Grand Central Terminal Station

ピータールーガ Tボーンステーキ! Peter Luger T-bone steak!

お店前で待っている間に通った格好いい通行人と地元の学生さんたち Cool passers-by and local students who passed while waiting in front of the store

ブルックリンに行ったら、絶対行くと決めていたステーキレストラン、ピータールーガPeter Luger。

Peter Luger, a steak restaurant that I definitely decided to go to when I went to Brooklyn.
When I was hungry and arrived at the store shortly before 11 o'clock when it opened, several people were already in line.
Many people made reservations, and we were two, so we didn't make a reservation.
I was called after waiting for a few minutes outside, so when I entered the store, I told the wait staff the number and name and waited further inside the store.

カウンター席 Counter seat


We were by the counter seats while we were waiting, and the tough guys were chatting while eating a steak. 15 minutes to wait while sniffing the smell that doesn't look delicious.
I was passed to the table earlier than the 6 girls who entered earlier, probably because they were two.

店内の雰囲気 クラシック Atmosphere in the restaurant Classic


Look at the menu as soon as you are taken to your seat
We ordered a glass of wine, bread, bacon and T-bone steak for 2 servings (rare grilled).
Bread and thick-sliced ​​bacon were brought in immediately, but it was delicious enough to fit in! It was before the steak came, so I ate it with a slight restraint.

バターしみしみの塩のきいた外側パリッなかもちもちパン 美味しい!
Butter-stained, salty outside crispy, chewy bread is delicious!
厚切りベーコン!! Thick sliced ​​bacon! !!


And a hot T-bone steak was brought in! We will have a steak that is dripping with gravy over a sour steak sauce.


Tapirus! And a bite immediately. I'm happy that the gravy spreads in my mouth! !! !! !!
Can we eat together? What I thought was an instant licking! m (__) m


Payment will be made at the table with a tip. About 20%. About $ 200 including tip
I feel like I paid. Only cash can be used here, and cards cannot be used. I had a big coin-shaped chocolate with the change. It's an original chocolate.

Peter Luger Steak House 178 Broadway, Brooklyn

ウイリアムズバーグをぶらぶらして食後のコーヒー After-meal coffee walking around Williamsburg


Fill your stomach with steak and take a walk in Williamsburg for post-meal exercise.
There are lots of fashionable buildings and cafes, and it seems that there are many artists and craftsmen.

The interior of the store, which has a unique design by reusing waste materials, seems to be a fashionable antique dealer. The courtyard is also cool.


We went to a cafe that reused old and waste materials from retro and had coffee after a meal. I liked it because it had a strong but savory taste.

BLACK BRICK Coffee 300 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn

発展し続ける街ブルックリン Brooklyn, an ever-growing city

ブルックリン美術館からブルックリン橋に向かって坂道を下りました。We went down the slope from the Brooklyn Museum towards the Brooklyn Bridge.


We decided to go to the Brooklyn Museum, and when We went to the front of the museum, We went to the Brooklyn Bridge while walking around on a regular holiday (laughs). On the way, stop by a donut shop, a cafe, a cake shop, and get enough calories before crossing the bridge. As We walked around the city, We felt the youth and momentum of the old streets, but also new.

クラシックなアパートメント Classic apartment
Ice cream shop? Umbrellas are cute.

ドーナツプラネット Doughnut Plant


As you go down the gentle slope, you will find a strange black-painted building. When approaching, a donut shop.
The appearance is chic black, but the donuts are colorful but have a natural coating.

黒と朱色のビルはドーナツ屋さん The black and vermilion building is a donut shop
外のベンチはカラフルなタイルでドーナツを表現 The outside bench expresses donuts with colorful tiles
ベリーの効いたドーナツは甘さと酸味で超ウマウマ! Berry donuts are super delicious with sweetness and acidity


I had wild blueberries. It's very delicious. The sweetness and sourness combine well,
It's a donut, but it's not heavy. I want you to go every day and enjoy all the flavors!

Doughnut Plant 245 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn

Devocion デヴォシオンカフェ


We decided to walk down the gentle slope to enter the downtown area and take a break before entering the cafe.

黄色のコーヒーカップとソーサーが素敵です。The yellow coffee cup and saucer are nice.
Google mapより 店内の黄色の床が可愛い。From Google map, the yellow floor inside the store is cute.


Coffee has a sour taste and is light and lightly roasted, or refreshing and easy to drink.

Devocion 276 Livingston St, Brooklyn

DUMBOダンボは倉庫と石畳の格好いい街 Dumbo is a cool city with warehouses and cobblestones

Transform warehouse into a fashionable shopping center


The Dumbo area doubles the coolness of the city. It's like a city of bricks, cobblestones and iron. The Manhattan Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge are even more cool.

Burrow 可愛いケーキ屋さん Cute cake shop


There is a lovely cake shop on the first floor of a mixed office building with a renovated warehouse. Customers come in constantly in a very small store. After getting lost, I bought several biscuits. I decided to eat while taking a walk.

このビル、床のタイルが格好いい! The tiles on the floor of this building are cool!
This cake is a mini size for American. Biscuits are American standard type.
ナッツ入りクッキーもパイも甘さ控えめで美味しい!Both nut-filled cookies and pies are modestly sweet and delicious!

Burrow 68 Jay St #119, Brooklyn

ドラマか映画の撮影していました。We came across a drama or movie filming on the street corner
発想の自由さ・色使い、とにかく格好いい Freedom of thinking, color usage, just cool

美しいマンハッタン橋 Beautiful manhattan bridge

Construction of the Manhattan Bridge began on October 1, 1901, opened on December 31, 1909, and was completed in 1910. It was and still has a beautiful design.

どこから眺めても美しい。It's beautiful no matter where you look.
マンハッタン橋とカルーセルの調和がとれている Manhattan Bridge and Carousel are in harmony


Between the Manhattan Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge was a nice rotating wooden horse in a glass case. It was just closed, so I only took pictures from the outside.

乗りたいなぁ~ I want to ride…

ブルックリン橋を渡ってマンハッタンへ Cross the Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan

イーストリバーの向こうはマンハッタンの摩天楼 Beyond the East River is the Manhattan Skyscraper



Completed and completed in 1883. Opened on May 24 of the same year.
It is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States and at the same time the world's first suspension bridge using steel wire. The bridge is divided into two layers, and people and bicycles can walk across the upper layer. The lower layer is a road with three lanes on each side. Until 1944, elevated railways were in the lower layers, and until 1950, trams were in the upper layers.
It was difficult for us to find the entrance, but as we climbed the stairs, we reached the sidewalk and bike path of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Be aware that bicycle commuting seems to be more frustrating to tourists and sometimes scares them.
At first the floor was concrete, but the rest is wooden.
Be careful not to hit the bicycle as it will come by.
途中お土産売っている人もいます。Some people sell souvenirs on the way.
遠くに見えるのは自由の女神です。In the distance is the Statue of Liberty.
マンハッタンが近づいてきました。Manhattan is approaching.
New York City Hall is just around the corner.
マンハッタンに着きました。We arrived in Manhattan.


We walked until we were sick on this day as well. It was sound every day during the trip.

-アメリカAmerica, 旅行Travel
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