アメリカAmerica 旅行Travel

ニューヨーク観光おすすめ名所6 New York Tourist Attractions 6




  1. WTC オキュラス
  2. WTC グラウンドゼロ
  3. WTC~チェンバーズストリートまでの地下道
  4. NY公共図書館
  5. NMAI 国立アメリカインディアン博物館
  6. THE MET メトロポリタン美術館
  7. THE MET ブロイヤー
  8. THE MET Cloisters クロイスターズ
  9. Neue Galerie New York
  10. GUGGENHEIMグッゲンハイム美術館
  11. MoMA
  12. リンカーンセンター オペラハウス
  13. ホイットニー美術館
  14. アメリカ自然史博物館
  15. エンパイアステートビルとその周辺
  16. ミュージカル/タイムステスクエア/ブロードウェイ
  17. ブルーノート
  18. メイシーズ
  19. ウォール街
  20. ハイライン/チェルシー
  21. セントラルパーク
  22. 5番街
  24. ブルックリン ウィリアムズバーグ
  25. ブルックリン ダンボ
  26. ブルックリン橋
  27. グランドセントラルターミナル駅

The places introduced on this page are
・ MoMA
・ Fifth Avenue
・ Whitney Museum of American Art
I also walk around museums a lot, so sneakers are a must.

The spots introduced on this page are in red, and the spots that have already been introduced are in gray.

  1. WTC Oculus
  2. WTC Ground Zero
  3. Underpass to WTC Chambers Street
  4. NY Public Library
  5. NMAI National Museum of the American Indian
  6. THE MET Metropolitan Museum of Art
  7. THE MET Breuer
  8. THE MET Cloisters
  9. Neue Galerie New York
  10. GUGGENHEIM Museum
  11. MoMA
  12. Lincoln Center Opera House
  13. Whitney Museum of American Art
  14. American Museum of Natural History
  15. Empire State Building and its surroundings
  16. Musical / Time Test Square / Broadway
  17. Blue note
  18. Macy's
  19. Wall street
  20. Highline / Chelsea Chelsea
  21. Central Park
  22. Fifth Avenue
  24. Brooklyn Williamsburg
  25. Brooklyn Dumbo
  26. Brooklyn Bridge
  27. Grand Central Terminal Station

MoMA The Museum of Modern Art

美術館のチケットをお得にゲットのページでご紹介したように、UNIQLO Free Friday NightにMoMAへ行ってきました!

We went to MoMA at UNIQLO Free Friday Night as I introduced on the page to get a ticket for the museum!
He was a great person. We recommend that you go early or stagger the time.

館内広いですが、渡り廊下と階段もアートの一部として構成されています。The museum is large, but the corridors and stairs are also part of the art.


Exhibits of modern and contemporary art. It's very generous to take pictures freely (flash is prohibited), isn't it? There is also an experiential art exhibition in which viewers participate, and I think it is one of the museums that you should visit at least once regardless of whether you are interested in art.

There is a story until all the announcements (sounds) and word lights are randomly lit. Bruce Nauman

アフリカ系アメリカ人を描いたチャールズホワイト Charles White depicting African Americans


For the first time, I got to know a painter named Charles White. The paintings depicting the lives of African-Americans are something that comes to mind, and I definitely want you to see them.


Discrimination remains even after the abolition of slavery, and the civil rights movement from the 1950s to the 1960s and the youth of the painter overlapped, so I could feel something with a strong feeling from the work. rice field.



Many African Americans were watching this exhibition at MoMA, and many were gorgeous and cool. I felt the greatness of winning civil rights, which was a big change from the time when it was exhibited.
As I thought while traveling, most of the people who were cashiers and security guards at supermarkets, big stores, and anywhere were African-Americans. Even now, I feel that there is a difference in life between whites and African-Americans, but I am looking at the work while thinking about the greatness of winning rights and freedoms and the patience to keep it. I did.

5th Av 5番街とその辺りをうろうろ Wander around Fifth Avenue and its surroundings


Walk Manhattan Fifth Avenue and experience Capitalist New York! I said or didn't say it, or I was recommended by a friend and tried to wander around. Well, there are many nice and elegant buildings. From historic buildings to the latest high-rise condominiums. The rent is the second largest in the world. There were many buildings that could appear in the drama "Gossip Girl".
When I walked on Fifth Avenue in the middle of the night, I clearly passed by a trio of young teenage girls, but they wore a nice dress (mini dress) and said, "This is definitely a girl who lives near here. It's just the world of gossip girls. "

A nice residential area continues when you enter one road.
10月末のハロウィンの装飾の気合もなんか違います…The Halloween decorations at the end of October are also enthusiastic


Residents are wearing clothes, dogs with them, something expensive. Of course, cars too. I felt that many people are training their bodies. It seems that wealthy people are gradually starting to live in the north, such as Harlem, but it was a city that strongly conveys the atmosphere of a city with real wealthy people.

ホイットニー美術館へ To the Whitney Museum of American Art

外観 exterior



At the end of the Highline is the Whitney Museum of American Art. The Hudson River is right in front of you, and you can see the night view of New Jersey on the opposite bank.
The Whitney Museum of American Art was founded in 1931 by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, the daughter of the Vanderbilt family, who made a fortune by railroad. It plays a leading role in American modern art.
From 19:00 to 21:30 on Friday, I went to 19:00 because I could enter at any rate. I thought there were a lot of people, but I put it in unexpectedly smoothly.

受付 reception


Redevelopment is progressing in this area as well, and there are many buildings and buildings that have been fashionably renovated from old buildings such as brick warehouses.

Joseph Stella ブルックリン橋 Brooklyn Bridge
アリス・ニール パットファレン
Alice Neel Pat Farren
映像と造形物とイラストと面白い物が多いです。There are many interesting things such as images, sculptures, and illustrations.
Andy Warhol eating a hamburger
1972年、ニクソンの訪中にあわせて毛沢東のポートレイトを制作した。In 1972, he produced a portrait of Mao Zedong to coincide with Nixon's visit to China.

Andy Warholさん、ポップアートの代名詞みたいなアーティスト。見ていて楽しくなる作品展示が多々


Andy Warhol, an artist who is synonymous with pop art. There were many exhibitions of works that were fun to watch.
Redevelopment is progressing, and it is near the Whitney Museum of American Art, where fashionable cafes, restaurants and clothes shops are lined up, but there is also a Louis Vuitton shop, and at night we are doing something like a workshop, over the show window. It looked like, but it seemed that several high school children were sitting and having discussions. I was wondering what I was doing, but for the time being the cat was cute so I took a picture.

Cute cat and Louis Vuitton

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