アメリカAmerica 旅行Travel

ニューヨーク観光おすすめ名所7 New York Tourist Attractions 7


・リンカーンセンター オペラハウス


  1. WTC オキュラス
  2. WTC グラウンドゼロ
  3. WTC~チェンバーズストリートまでの地下道
  4. NY公共図書館
  5. NMAI 国立アメリカインディアン博物館
  6. THE MET メトロポリタン美術館
  7. THE MET ブロイヤー
  8. THE MET Cloisters クロイスターズ
  9. Neue Galerie New York
  10. GUGGENHEIMグッゲンハイム美術館
  11. MoMA
  12. リンカーンセンター オペラハウス
  13. ホイットニー美術館
  14. アメリカ自然史博物館
  15. エンパイアステートビルとその周辺
  16. ミュージカル/タイムステスクエア/ブロードウェイ
  17. ブルーノート
  18. メイシーズ
  19. ウォール街
  20. ハイライン/チェルシー
  21. セントラルパーク
  22. 5番街
  24. ブルックリン ウィリアムズバーグ
  25. ブルックリン ダンボ
  26. ブルックリン橋
  27. グランドセントラルターミナル駅

The places on this page are the American Museum of Natural History, Lincoln Center Opera House, and Blue Note.
The American Museum of Natural History alone makes calf bread. After all sneakers with thick cushions are essential.

The spots introduced on this page are in red, and the spots that have already been introduced are in gray.

  1. WTC Oculus
  2. WTC Ground Zero
  3. Underpass to WTC Chambers Street
  4. NY Public Library
  5. NMAI National Museum of the American Indian
  6. THE MET Metropolitan Museum of Art
  7. THE MET Breuer
  8. THE MET Cloisters
  9. Neue Galerie New York
  10. GUGGENHEIM Museum
  11. MoMA
  12. Lincoln Center Opera House
  13. Whitney Museum of American Art
  14. American Museum of Natural History
  15. Empire State Building and its surroundings
  16. Musical / Time Test Square / Broadway
  17. Blue note
  18. Macy's
  19. Wall street
  20. Highline / Chelsea Chelsea
  21. Central Park
  22. Fifth Avenue
  24. Brooklyn Williamsburg
  25. Brooklyn Dumbo
  26. Brooklyn Bridge
  27. Grand Central Terminal Station

アメリカ自然史博物館 American Museum of Natural History

Google mapより
The entrance to the American Museum of Natural History, which was set in the movie Night at the Museum.
Theodore Roosevelt statue (now relocated)


The entrance to the American Museum of Natural History, which was set in the movie Night at the Museum.
Theodore Roosevelt statue (now relocated)

エントランスでは恐竜の骨がお出迎えしてくれます。Dinosaur bones welcome you at the entrance.


Since I came here, I bought a 33 $ ticket to watch all of them. First, go to the Rose Space Center.
The exhibits weren't what I personally expected, but the planetarium was very good and it was a good break.

座り心地のよい椅子です。It is a comfortable chair.
アポロ計画 月での写真 Apollo program Moon photo


The area of ​​historic models and wax dolls in the world where dolls start to move at the movie Night Museum is a little old or dull with dust, so it was not very intriguing, but the fossil area is There are so many kinds, and the exhibition was dynamic and I learned a lot.

亀のご先祖様?Turtle ancestors?
Is the tip of the railing a lion?

There are animal decorations everywhere in the museum, and it is a pleasure to see these discoveries.

The NY History Museum is next door, and the Lincoln statue is a landmark.

ゴーストバスターズロケ地のリンカーンセンターオペラハウス Lincoln Center Opera House on Ghostbusters Location

いい雰囲気です。It's a nice atmosphere.


Lincoln Center Plaza, which also appears in the movie Ghostbusters, is a music arts hall that requires a theater, an opera house, a concert hall, a library, a school, and a ballet theater.
It was built in the 1950s and 1960s under the initiative of Rockefeller III.

オペラハウスの中には大きなシャガールの絵が飾ってあります。Inside the opera house is a large Chagall painting.
階段には文字盤が動き面白いです。The dial moves on the stairs and is interesting.
Lincoln Center Plaza, New York


Next to it is the Juilliard School. The Juilliard School is a music college founded in 1905 in the United States, and is open to young people with talents from elementary school to high school.
It is said to be the world's best music academic institution where excellent students from all over the world gather and learn here and fly to the world again.

ジュリアード音楽院 The Juilliard School
何か催し物があった様子。人が続々出てきました。It looks like there was an event. People came out one after another.


In the movie Ghostbusters, I feel that Lincoln Center came out in a rather happy scene rather than a scene that fights ghosts.

ジャズの殿堂 ブルーノートへ To the Jazz Hall of Fame Blue Note

Google mapより Bluenote外観
Bluenote appearance
しばらく外で並んで待つのですが寒かった!I waited in line outside for a while, but it was cold!


To the Blue Note we went to!Admission fees are different because the artists that appear on each day are different.
We went early, but I think we were already full and chose to stand and paid about $ 40 for the admission alone.
On this day, jazz pianist Robert Glasper will appear, so more and more people came in later. After waiting for a while, the performance finally started around 21:30. Even though I don't understand JAZZ at all, I got goosebumps because of the coolness of the performance.

おそらくこの日出たアーティスト Probably the artist who came out this day.
Robert Glasper
Terrace Martin,
Christian Scott,
Atunde Adjuah,
Derrick Hodge,
Taylor McFerrin and Justin Tyson

This is what a JAZZ session is like,Goose bumps.

Blue Note Jazz Club 131 W 3rd St, New York,

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