New York Manhattan Gourmand Summary

アメリカAmerica 旅行Travel

ニューヨーク・マンハッタン グルメまとめ NY Manhattan Gourmand Summary


I wrote a lot about eating in New York, but I summarized it because it would be better to have a summary article. I hope it will be helpful when traveling to NY!

Leo’sBAGLE ウォール街を行きかうビジネスマンを眺めながら、ベーグルサンドを食べる

Eat bagel sandwiches while watching businessmen roaming Wall Street

After passing through the oldest existing street in Manhattan, the road leading to the harbor is on the right, and the skyscrapers are lined up on the left.Businessmen who have decided to make a decision are struggling.
Speaking of New York, you can't miss bagels! So I went! Leo's Bagle!

ストーンストリート マンハッタンに残る古い石畳の通りStone Street An old cobbled street that remains in Manhattan
この先を行くとウォール街ど真ん中に入っていきます。レオズベーグルはこの通りにあります。Going ahead, you'll be in the middle of Wall Street. Leo's Bagle is on this street.
Leo's BAGLE 3 Hanover Square, New York, NY 10004
Google mapより 店舗入り口
店内入ってすぐ 2007年創業です。Store entrance、Founded in 2007.


When we went, it was close to 14:00, so it was vacant, and the clerk was kind and listened to our poor English to the end.
From the menu on the signboard inside the store,
tell the type of bagel, what you want to apply to the bagel, what you want to sandwich (there are many types such as vegetables, ham and tuna), size (half or whole one), and drinks. There is a showcase so you can point to it.
Japanese bagels aren't big, so I was hungry and wondered if one would be enough, but I ordered one.

どーーん!プレーンのベーグルにプレーンチーズ・トマト・レタス・ツナ、シナモンレーズンのベーグルにエビとクリームチーズ・レタス・トマト。なかなか大きく持ち上げると重いです!半分でお腹いっぱいになってきました。big!Plain bagels with plain cheese, tomato, lettuce and tuna, cinnamon raisin bagels with shrimp and cream cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. It's heavy if you lift it up quite a lot! I'm half full.


I feel like I've opened my mouth wide and bite into it to eat.
The bagel dough is firm and chewy. All the bagels in this shop are gluten-free!

(Gluten-free refers to foods that do not contain "gluten". Gluten is a viscous substance contained in wheat flour that creates the chewy texture of wheat flour foods. However, gluten mainly goes to the small intestine. It has been pointed out that it may have adverse effects, and there are some that the small intestine reacts hypersensitively to gluten called "gluten hypersensitivity" and some that are difficult to digest gluten called "gluten intolerance".)


The cinnamon raisin bagels I ate have a scent of cinnamon, and the sweetness and sourness of the raisins enhance the deliciousness of the sandwiched ingredients.
The shrimp goes well with cream cheese and lettuce and tomatoes are crispy and very exciting from the first bite.


I'm pretty full when I ate half. I decided to take the other half home. The case is solid so you can take it home with you.

コーヒーはぬるめでしたが、まあ旅の思い出…。The coffee was lukewarm.
Well, it's a memory of my trip …
カウンター席が少しあります。床のタイルがかわいい。There are a few counter seats. The floor tiles are cute.

マンハッタンで食べる美味しい韓国料理 Delicious Korean food to eat in Manhattan


Google mapより、エンパイアステートビル
コリアンタウンと呼ばれる通りで韓国レストランや和食レストランもたくさんあります。There are many Korean restaurants and Japanese restaurants on the street called Korean Town.

韓国料理 Madangsui Korean BBQ 35 W 35nd St fl 2, New York(ToT 現在は閉店Currently closed)
I went there at lunch and it was full. I wouldn't have entered if I hadn't made a reservation.

Six kinds of delicatessen such as namul that comes out one after another when sit down, and the grilled fish and kimchi we ordered.
チャプチェ、味噌汁・ごはん付き。本当に美味しいチャプチェでした~~~!!!Japchae, miso soup and rice included. It was a really delicious Japchae!
牛骨スープ、プルコギ、ビビン麺、韓国茶わん蒸し。4人で食べても余るくらいボリューム満点!Beef bone soup, bulgogi, bibim noodles, steamed Korean egg. It's so voluminous that even four people can eat it!

PioPio8 HELL'S KITCHENで南米料理 South American food at HELL'S KITCHEN PioPio8

ペルー料理 PioPio8 604 10th Ave, New York, NY 10036
店舗入り口写真(Google mapより)

Hell's Kitchenヘルズキッチンはマンハッタン南西部の地区クリントンの通称。かつて犯罪率が高かったそう。だからHELLか…。20世紀末には治安が回復し、高層アパートや高級ホテル、レストランが集まる繁華街になったとのことで、確かに都会の中の住宅街という感じもしました。

Hell's Kitchen is a popular name for Clinton, a district in southwestern Manhattan. It seems that the crime rate was once high. So HELL … At the end of the 20th century, security was restored and it became a downtown area with high-rise apartments, luxury hotels, and restaurants, so it certainly felt like a residential area in the city.


The Peruvian restaurant Pio Pio8. In such an area is chic, spacious and has a very nice atmosphere.

Satisfied with PioPio8's popular chicken rotisserie and seafood rice!It was just the right amount for two people.

Burger & Lobster Bryant Park タイムズスクエアの近くでロブスターサンド Lobster Sandwich near Times Square

Burger & Lobster Bryant Park 132 W 43rd St, New York, NY 10036


Recommended by a friend, we went to eat lobster sandwiches! It's a quiet and fashionable street near Times Square.

さてさて、ロブスター専門のレストランですが、ロブスター以外もとっても美味しそうで、我々はロブスターサンドセットと、ハンバーガーセットを頼んで、シェアすることにしました。It's a restaurant specializing in lobster, but it looks delicious except for lobster, so we ordered a lobster sandwich set and a hamburger set and decided to share it.

Melting cheese WowWowWouWou♪

The Boil チャイナタウンでカニ・エビ・ザリガニ!!Crabs, shrimp and crayfish in Chinatown

The Boil 139 Chrystie St, New York, NY 10002
中華街の中にあります。活気ある街です。Located in Chinatown. It's a lively city.

滞在中お世話になった友人を招待し、行きたいお店を選んでもらいました。それがThe Boil。チャイナタウンにあるカニ・エビ・ザリガニを食すお店です!
We invited a friend who helped us during our stay and asked him to choose the store he wanted to go to. That is The Boil. It is a restaurant that eats crabs, shrimp and crayfish in Chinatown!

かわいいエプロンと手袋が配られます。Cute aprons and gloves will be distributed.
カニが来るまでの間、パンをつまみに待ってました。We waited for the bread to pick up until the crabs came.


came! ! There are a lot of crabs, shrimp, crayfish and corn in the same bag. The seasoning is garlic sauce.
please look! This crab!Huh! !!Huh! !!Huh! !!

このソースはニンニク風味で本当に美味しいんです!たまらんです!This sauce has a garlic flavor and is really delicious! I can't wait!

This big leg?Huh!!!Huh Huh! !!

-アメリカAmerica, 旅行Travel
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