スカム・フランス SKAM FRANCE

「SKAM FRANCE」は、フランスの若者たちの日常生活を描いた人気テレビドラマです。オリジナルのノルウェーのドラマ「SKAM」を基にした作品で、各シーズンは異なるキャラクターの視点から物語が展開されます。
「SKAM FRANCE」の最新シーズンはシーズン12で、全10話が放送されています。このシーズンは、2023年5月7日に初めてのクリップが公開され、最終回は2023年7月7日に放送されました1。
A drama that realistically depicts issues such as LGBT, bullying, mental illness, and immigration issues that occur in a single high school from a young person's perspective.
When traveling to Paris or France, knowing the local culture will add depth to your trip.
You will be able to see school facilities that are rarely accessible even if you live locally, and you will also be able to learn a little about the real life of high school students.
You can also get a glimpse of second- and third-generation immigrant families, and Muslim families that you don't often see in Japan.
Even in France, LGBTQ is a sensitive issue.
It is easy to see that this is a big problem, especially for teenagers.
"SKAM FRANCE" is an experiential drama that is explosively popular mainly in Europe.
"SKAM FRANCE" is a popular TV drama that depicts the daily lives of young people in France. Based on the original Norwegian drama "SKAM", each season of the series tells the story from the perspective of a different character.
Various themes such as love, friendship, and family relationships of young people are attracting attention.
The latest season of "SKAM FRANCE" is season 12, which consists of 10 episodes. The first clip of this season was released on May 7, 2023, and the final episode was broadcast on July 7, 20231.
The central character of season 12 is Mael Le Gall, and it is a scary story about the inner conflict he is going through as he prepares for his "first time" with his long-time lover.

ミッドナイトインパリ Midnight in Paris

You can enjoy the Parisian streets in the first 5 minutes of this movie. It summarizes all the highlights of the streets.
A rationalistic American lover and his family, and an American writer who longs for Paris in the 1920s.
A mysterious story of a couple who get lost in the 1920s on a pre-wedding trip to Paris.
Fitzgerald and Zelda, Cole Porter, Hemingway, Picasso, Modigliani, Braque, Gertrude Stein, Adriana, Dali, Man Ray, Lewis, Tom Elliott,
and even jumping to the Belle Epoque of the 1890s, Lautrec, Gauguin, and Degas!
A story of people who always long for the past.
You can enjoy the daytime and nighttime faces of Paris, whose beautiful streets remain unchanged even as times change.

This is a movie that truly lets you enjoy Montmartre in Paris. You might want to use it as a reference to enjoy just the 18th arrondissement.
The story revolves around Amelie Poulain, an introverted and imaginative young woman who lives in the Montmartre district of Paris.
Amelie has a unique perspective due to her lonely childhood, and she enjoys finding small joys in everyday life.
One day, Amelie finds an old treasure chest in the wall of her apartment. Determined to find and return the chest to its owner, she is moved by the sight of the person's joy and becomes passionate about doing secret good deeds for the happiness of others.
However, in the process, she also faces her own loneliness and tries her hand at romance. One day, she begins to chase a mysterious man, Nino Quincampoix, whom she finds in a photo vending machine, and the story depicts the romance between them.
The film features beautiful images and humorous storytelling, depicting Amelie's heartwarming story of human relationships and growth. Amelie is a 2001 French film directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and starring Audrey Tautou.
パリのどこかであなたと Deux moi

Cedric Klapisch, the director of "The Spanish Apartment," presents a love story about an awkward encounter between a man and a woman set in Paris.
The story revolves around Melanie and Remy, 30-year-olds who live alone in neighboring apartments in Paris. Melanie is a cancer immunotherapy researcher who is busy with her work while still hungering over a past relationship2. Meanwhile, Remy works in a warehouse and feels guilty about being promoted while his colleagues are fired.
Due to stress, Melanie suffers from hypersomnia and Remy from insomnia, and they each start going to therapy. However, they have never met, and although a fateful meeting is inevitable, they have difficulty finding a connection.
This film depicts how the two meet and the process of them overcoming each other's emotional wounds. It is a very moving love story.
The film stars Anna Girardot and François Civile, who also starred in Klapisch's previous film "Back to Burgundy."
午前4時にパリの夜は明ける Les passagers de la nuit

Set in Paris in the 1980s, this human drama tells the story of a family over the course of seven years.
The calm streets of the 16th arrondissement and Radio France are lovely.
In 1981, the city of Paris was filled with a celebratory mood following the election (Mitterrand won), and an atmosphere of hope and change. Meanwhile, Elisabeth separated from her husband and decided to raise her children alone.
After taking a job on a late-night radio program, Elisabeth meets a runaway girl named Talulah and invites her into her home. Through her interactions with Talulah, the hearts of Elisabeth and her children gradually change.
Charlotte Gainsbourg stars as a life-sized woman who overcomes the various changes that come to her life and moves forward.
She co-stars with Emmanuelle Béart. The film is directed by Michael Haas. It will be screened in the competition section of the 72nd Berlin International Film Festival in 2022.