台湾Taiwan 旅行Travel

台北市内の100年前の建築物を見る1 See 100-year-old buildings in Taipei City 1


100年以上前の古くて素敵な建築物を見る See a nice old building over 100 years ago


If you walk around the city of Taipei, you will see splendid buildings about 100 years ago here and there.
There are many buildings from the Japanese rule (1895-1945), and if you are a building lover, you can see the drooling buildings such as the large red brick building similar to Tokyo Station and the white building like the guest house.
I was very impressed by the fact that even though it is the same earthquake-prone country as Japan, it has been left clean and is still in use.

台湾監察院 建物は日本統治時代の1915年建築 Taiwan Inspectorate Building was built in 1915 during the Japanese colonial era

台湾監察院 建物は日本統治時代の1915年に建築(建築家:森山 松之助)

Taiwan Inspectorate Building was built in 1915 during the Japanese colonial rule (architect: Matsunosuke Moriyama)
The nearest station is Zendoji Station (Exit 2).
The contrast between red brick, marble, and palm trees is interesting, reminiscent of a tropical country.
The Control Yuan is an administrative agency in Taiwan, and as the highest inspection agency, it is the place to conduct national affairs investigations such as the exercise of impeachment and denunciation rights against fraud of civil servants and national institutions, and accounting audits of various national institutions' financial status and financial statements. , And that.

重厚な塀が続く歩道… A sidewalk with a heavy fence …

立派な歩道と立派な街路樹が長いこと続きます。ここは・・・?Good sidewalks and good roadside trees continue for a long time. here···?

台北賓館(旧台湾総督官邸)Taipei Guest House (former Taiwan Governor's House)



It was built as the Taiwan Governor's residence during the Japanese colonial era. (Architect: Ichiro Nomura)

Currently under the control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is used as an invitation place to entertain state guests.
Fortunately, there is a day when it is open to the public once a month. You can see the luxurious building up close.


The open house is basically set on the weekend of the beginning of the month, the same day as the special release date of the Presidential Office Building, but there are exceptions.
Please check the website in advance. Visit is free.
There is no identification or baggage inspection like the Presidential Office Building, so you can feel free to visit.

並びの警察署も重厚な建物 The police station is also a heavy building

POLICE 雰囲気的にあまり写真を撮れず、この一枚だけですが、日本と違って看板がなんかオシャレです。I can't take a lot of pictures in the atmosphere, so this is the only one, but unlike Japan, the signboard is fashionable.
迎賓館手前に面した通り6車線くらいある大通り。通勤ラッシュ時は車よりバイクが多いイメージです。A main street with about 6 lanes facing the front of the guest house. The image is that there are more motorcycles than cars during the rush hour to work.

西門紅楼 The Ximen Red House

It is a city with many young people, the Red House, and an old brick building. There are many fashionable shops inside.
スタバのビルも中洋折衷なクラシックな建物です。The Starbucks building is also a classic building that is eclectic in the Middle Ages.


The Ximen Red House, built in 1908, has a history of more than 110 years.
This is Taiwan's first public market built by the government, the oldest on the island, and the city's old-fashioned market building.
The building itself belonged to the Taiwan Governor-General's Repair Department at that time and was designed by Japanese architect Juro Kondo.
With a young and bold idea, the market entrance is in the shape of a Bagua, which means "Happo Unshu", and the entire market is characterized by being shaped by a cross.
For this reason, it is now called the Octagonal Tower and the Cross Tower, and the entire area including the North and South Squares on both sides is called the "West Gate Red House".
The Red House has been transformed into a market, a movie theater, a theater, and a movie theater, and since 2007, the Bunkakai commissioned by the Cultural Affairs Bureau has been promoting it as a stage for cultural creation.
It has been in operation for nearly 10 years since aiming for the development of the city block in Ximending, and as a result of accumulating the energy of cultural creation, it is now a major cultural creation and cultural art not only in Taipei City but also in Taiwan. It is a base.

歩きやすい街 台北市内 Easy-to-walk city Taipei City


As I mentioned earlier, Taipei has good public transportation, is cheap and easy to move around, but it's not bad to walk around (except in the summer).
Even in winter, it's about 23 degrees Celsius and it's warm, so it's perfect for a walk without a jacket.

-台湾Taiwan, 旅行Travel
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