台湾Taiwan 旅行Travel

台北市内の100年前の建築物を見る2 See 100-year-old buildings in Taipei City 2


二二八和平公園 2/28 Peace Park

After passing the Taipei Guest House, I saw the park.
As soon as you enter, you will see a big bell. In the foreground is a path lined with stones for foot massage. It is written as a health sidewalk.

庶民の憩いの場と思いきや、公園の名称に目を向けると、歴史がありそうな気がします。If you look at the name of the park, thinking that it is a place of relaxation for the common people, it seems that there is history.

2/28和平公園 2/28 Peace Park

二二八和平公園(にいにいはちわへいこうえん; 英語: 228 Peace Memorial Park)は台湾台北市中正区にある公園で、日本統治時代に作られた台北新公園を前身とする。
228 Peace Park is a park located in Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan, and its predecessor is Taipei New Park, which was created during the Japanese colonial era.
The four enclosures are adjacent to Ketagalan Boulevard in the south, Huaining Street in the north, Huaining Street in the west, and Park Road in the east, with an area of ​​71,520 m2.
A Western-style park that was first built in Taiwan in 1899 during the Japanese colonial rule.
The original name "Taipei New Park", which opened in 1908, was renamed to "228 Peace Park" in 1996 by Mr. Chen Sui-Ban, who was the mayor of Taipei at that time, after a historic event.

1947年2月28日に起きた二二八事件とは What is the February 28 Incident that occurred on February 28, 1947?


After 50 years of Japanese rule ended with the end of the war, the sovereignty was changed to the Kuomintang government, but the Taiwanese people who continued to be treated unfairly due to cultural and language differences and discrimination stood up and marched to deliver protests. do. However, it was a sad incident that clashed with authorities and police and resulted in a large number of casualties.
Until 1895-1945, the rule is Japan (language is Japanese).
1945-Kuomintang government takes sovereignty. Japanese is considered an enemy language and is forced to switch to Chinese. People who originally lived in Taiwan faced various types of discrimination in various places, and a sense of inequality was widespread.


The memorial hall in the photo was originally the "Taipei Broadcasting Station" (radio broadcasting station, architect: Shunichi Kuriyama) during the Japanese colonial era.
However, it was also the place where the great sacrifice was made in the 228 incident.
At the time of the incident in 1947, there was no radio in each home, and it was said that broadcasting was done by a broadcasting tower with a loudspeaker installed.



The following is an excerpt from Taipei Navi.
On February 27, 1947, a woman selling a dark cigarette was cracked down by police and beaten. When the people around him gathered to help him, the police fired and one of the citizens was shot down. Cultural differences and language barriers with the Kuomintang people from mainland China have kept the people of mainland Taiwan away from most governments and related posts.
Citizens march to deliver a protest statement from a case of dark cigarettes to the monopoly bureau, which was in charge of selling cigarettes at the time, with vine dissatisfaction.
In this way, the movement spread throughout Taiwan, and the knowledgeable people who originally supported the Taiwanese autonomy movement joined the circle.
The number of victims in the 228 incident is estimated to be about 28,000, including mainly the suspected Native Taiwanese and those who were indiscriminately suppressed by the military police. In reality, it is said that there are more casualties, and investigations by the government and the private sector are still underway.
What makes this case so sad is that the same Taiwanese killed each other and caused great casualties. Moreover, under martial law, it was strictly forbidden to speak about the incident, and people lived for a long time with oppressed feelings.

犠牲になった方の写真がプリントされている。Photos of the victims are printed.

市民の憩いの場でもある公園 A park that is also a place for citizens to relax


After passing the 228 Memorial Hall, the area becomes a place of relaxation for the citizens.
If you look up at many squirrels, you will find one on a tree branch.
There's a little stage and benches, and it's likely to be a civic concert on a good weekend.

神社みたいですね。。屋根付きの。It looks like a shrine. .. With a roof.
登ってみましょう。街灯が柑橘類に見えます。Let's climb. The streetlight looks like a citrus.
橋の上から池を眺めると、亀?すっぽんのような動物が甲羅干ししています。Looking at the pond from the top of the bridge, is it a turtle? Animals like soft-shelled turtles are drying their shells.
橋を降りて振り返ると楽しそうに会話をしているカップルが座ってました。先ほどと違い、のんびりしていて平和な雰囲気です。When I got off the bridge and looked back, a couple sitting happily talking. Unlike before, it has a laid-back and peaceful atmosphere.
お、急に中華っぽい建物が見えてきました。Oh, suddenly I saw a Chinese-style building.
中に入れるようです。It seems to be inside.

公園にギリシャ神殿!? 国立台湾博物館 Greek temple in the park! ?? National Taiwan Museum

中華系建築物を通り過ぎると、急にギリシャ神殿のような建物が見えてきました。As I passed the Chinese buildings, I suddenly saw a building like a Greek temple.

国立台湾博物館でした。It was the National Taiwan Museum.


The oldest museum in Taiwan, established in 1908.
The new building was built as the "Chief of General Affairs Goto Memorial Hall" during the Japanese colonial era, and was completed in 1915. It is currently designated as a national historic site.
The exterior design combines Greek and Roman styles and is said to be the most beautiful museum in Taiwan.
At the entrance, 32 pillars surround the four circumferences, and the stigma is decorated with a delicate pattern.
Light is taken from the stained glass window at the top of the dome, and beautifully colored light is poured into the entrance.
It is a building that has been looking at the history of Taiwan and maintains the scale at the time of its founding. In addition to the theme exhibition, various events will be held in the hall.

ニニ八公園を抜けるとまた重厚な建物 After passing through Ninihachi Park, a heavy building

Immediately after exiting the exit near the museum, there was another heavy building.

私が旅行した際は外壁クリーニング前だったのでしょう。。。。It was probably before cleaning the exterior walls when I traveled. .. .. ..



This building is also called the former former building of the Kangyō Bank, the former Taipei branch of the Nihon Kangyō Bank, and the former building of the Kangyō Bank.
A building of a municipality under the direct control of Yangyang Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan.
It was built in 1933 during the Japanese colonial rule as the Taipei branch of the former Nihon Kangyō Bank (then passed through Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank and now Mizuho Bank). There are many similarities with the former Nihon Kangyō Bank Tainan Branch, which was completed at about the same time.
After the war, it was used as the general bank (head office) of the Land Bank of Taiwan. After being designated as a historic site, it has been restored and is now the annex of the National Taiwan Museum, "Dogin Exhibition Hall".

勧業銀行旧ビル (土銀展示館)となりの三井物産株式会社旧廈から通路が続いています。重厚な柱を眺めながら歩けます。The passage continues from the former building of Mitsui Bussan Co., Ltd., which is next to the former building of the Kangyō Bank (Dogin Exhibition Hall). You can walk while looking at the heavy pillars.
この通路に放置されてた三輪車?こういう雑多なところを見るのもアジア旅行の楽しみの一つです。A tricycle left in this passage? Seeing such miscellaneous places is one of the pleasures of traveling to Asia.

There are old buildings on the streets of this building, but there are also shops where you can buy delicious lunch boxes! The introduction is on another page!

-台湾Taiwan, 旅行Travel
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