フランスfrance 旅行Travel

【パリ9区】パリに4年住んだ管理人が勧めるカフェ・レストラン The cafe and restaurant recommended by me who lived in Paris for 4 years.Paris 9th arr.


Google mapより
パリ9区のメトロ路線図 Paris 9th arrondissement metro map

オペラ座を抱える9区 9th ward where the opera is located

約30年前に撮ったオペラ座 Opera House taken about 30 years ago.


Angelique Chiba パリで日本人で最初にパティスリーを開いたお店で甘いものを Sweets at the first Japanese patisserie in Paris

Google mapより


In 1968, when there were still few Japanese in France, Chiba went to France alone and trained as a patissier at many famous stores. In 1980, he opened the first store in Paris as a Japanese. At the authentic French confectionery competition, it was the first Japanese to shine three times in glory. In 1995, he was elected a member of the French Culinary Academy in recognition of his abilities and achievements. I went to a great pioneer shop several times during my stay in France.
The shop was run by a couple of Chiba couples and a few staff members, and the sweets were modest in sweetness and looked good, and the inside of the shop was always lively with regulars.
In addition to sweets, you can also eat, so you can enjoy everything from lunch to dessert.

お店外観 Store appearance
Angelique Chiba  28 Rue Vignon, 75009 Paris

9区から眺めるサクレクール寺院 Sacre Coeur Temple seen from the 9th arrondissement


Google mapより 現在の公園から見たサクレクール寺院(中央奥の建物)
Google mapより 現在のツルデンヌ通り あまり変わっていません。

Bo man café 地元民に愛されるカフェ

2区の方からブランシュに向かってノートルダムドゥロレット通りを登って図書館がある公園前を通り過ぎると、地元民で賑わったカフェが見えてきます。それがBo man caféボーマンカフェ。

From the 2nd arrondissement of Paris, go up Notre Dame de Lorette to Blanche and pass in front of the park where the library is located, and you will see a cafe crowded with locals. That is Bo man café.
It is a cafe with a good lunch time and a good atmosphere at night. This is also a recommended restaurant to enjoy Paris.

Google mapより お店外観 From the Google map、Store appearance
Google mapより お店外観 From the Google map、Store appearance
Shop photo from Google Maps もこもこミルクが美味しそう。
Shop photo from Google Maps クラシックな造りのカウンターが素敵です。
Bo man café 33 Rue Notre Dame de Lorette, 75009 Paris ←Google mapへ

-フランスfrance, 旅行Travel
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