フランスfrance 旅行Travel

【パリ11区】パリに4年住んだ管理人が勧めるカフェ・レストラン The cafe and restaurant recommended by me who lived in Paris for 4 years.Paris 11th arr.


Google mapより パリ11区


No matter where you walk in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, there are many places where the vestiges of old Paris remain, so even just walking around is recommended. There are many narrow streets where cars cannot enter, and there are still many low-rise apartments. If you think about it, there are also apartment complexes that were built recently, but it's strangely familiar.
And there are many lively, stylish and delicious cafes, bars and restaurants.

パリ11区のメトロ路線図 Paris 11th arrondissement metro map

Le Bistrot du Peintre ル・ビストロ・デュ パントル バスチーユでランチ Lunch at the Bastille

メトロLedru Rollinルドリュローラン駅から出てすぐのところに100年以上続くアールヌーボー調の素敵なビストロがあります。それがLe Bistrot du Peintre ル・ビストロ・デュ パントル バスチーユ。

Just outside Ledru Rollin metro station, there is a wonderful art nouveau bistro that has been around for over 100 years. That is Le Bistrot du Peintre Bastille.
Everything you eat here is delicious. The interior is decorated in an art nouveau style, and there are terrace seats all year round, and I like to eat at the terrace seats. Enjoy delicious food and wine while watching people pass by and chatting with friends.

テラス席で食べて会話を楽しむのが気持ちいいです。It feels good to eat on the terrace and enjoy conversation.
Le Bistrot du Peintre by instagram

From the upper left, a set of wine and prosciutto salami pickles, pork tenderloin and porcini mushrooms with fried sauce, chicken teriyaki estragon sauce, finely chopped vegetables and risotto, and cocktail Brod Diamond. From Instagram of the shop. All of them look delicious!

お店外観。赤レンガと石の瀟洒な建物の裏には近代的な集合住宅。このコントラストがいけています。Appearance of the shop. A modern collective housing is behind the elegant red brick and stone building. I like this contrast.
Le Bistrot du Peintre 116 Avenue Ledru-Rollin, 75011 Paris

Café des Anges The Paris!みたいなカフェ A cafe like The Paris!

お店の外壁の色も雰囲気も「The Paris」といったクラッシックなカフェです。

About a 5-minute walk from Bastille Station through a busy street, I saw a nice cafe.
The color of the outer wall and the atmosphere of the shop are classic cafes like "The Paris".
It is crowded with local residents at lunchtime and at night. I think the price is reasonable for this location.

お店サイトより お店外観 From the shop site. Appearance of the shop
お店サイトより 店内 ギンガムチェックのテーブルクロスが可愛いです。From the shop site. inside of shop. The gingham check tablecloth is cute.
お店サイトより 店内 大きな鏡と荷物置きがクラッシックなカフェっぽいです。From the shop site. inside of shop. It looks like a classic cafe with a large mirror and luggage storage.
Café des Anges 66 Rue de la Roquette, 75011 Paris ←Google mapへ

-フランスfrance, 旅行Travel
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