フランスfrance 旅行Travel

【パリ14区】パリに4年住んだ管理人が勧めるカフェ・レストラン The cafe and restaurant recommended by me who lived in Paris for 4 years.Paris 14th arr.


Google mapより パリ14区paris 14th

下町を感じさせる14区 The 14th arrondissement where you can feel the downtown


The 14th arrondissement of Paris has famous places such as Montparnasse and the Catacombs, but it is a ward where you can feel the old downtown. There are plenty of affordable bistros and cafes, so I think it's a ward where you can relax.

パリ14区のメトロ路線図 Paris 14th arrondissement metro map

le petit plaisir ル・プティ・プレジール ワインと食事でささやかな幸せを Small happiness with wine and food

お店外観 Google mapより Shop photo from Google Maps


Cheerful owner and nice wine and food will make you feel better.
An assortment of cheese, ham and pickles cannot go wrong with the owner's carefully selected wine.
It is also a good place to go to the first house and have a glass of delicious wine, or a cup of coffee after a meal.

お店写真よりハムとチーズの盛り合わせ とっても美味しそう!!ワイン飲みながら食べたい! From the store photo.A platter of ham and cheese.It looks so delicious! ! I want to eat while drinking wine!
le petit plaisir 15 Rue des Suisses, 75014 Paris

Le Bouquet 閑静な住宅街の住民に愛されるカフェ ル・ブケ A cafe loved by residents in a quiet residential area

お店外観 Shop photo from Google Maps

14区の閑静な住宅街プティ=モントルージュ Petit-Montrougeにあるカフェ ル・ブケ。

Cafe Le Bouquet is located in Petit-Montrouge, a quiet residential area in the 14th arrondissement.
It doesn't have strong characteristics such as "outstanding fashion" or "this place is #1 in Paris", but it seems that it is easy to get used to it. So, it seems that there are many regulars who calm down.

ソーセージとマッシュポテト sausage and mashed potatoes Foursquareより

牛ステーキとフリット(フライドポテト)やポークステーキとフリット きのこソースがけ、はフランス料理の定番で、ボリュームたっぷり美味しく食べ応えがあります。写真のソーセージとマッシュポテトも本当にパンがすすみそうですね。

Beef steak and frites (french fries) and pork steak and frites with mushroom sauce are classic French dishes that are filling, delicious, and filling. The sausages and mashed potatoes in the photo seem to really go well with bread.

Le Bouquet ル・ブケ 25 Rue Daguerre, 75014 Paris ←Google mapへ

-フランスfrance, 旅行Travel
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