フランスfrance 旅行Travel

【パリ17区】パリに4年住んだ管理人が勧めるカフェ・レストラン The cafe and restaurant recommended by me who lived in Paris for 4 years.Paris 17th arr.



昔ながらの高級エリアとエキゾチックが混ざる区パリ17区 The 17th arrondissement of Paris, a mix of old-fashioned luxury and exotic


The 17th arrondissement of Paris, where the high-class residential area on the outskirts of the Arc de Triomphe and the city that receives the flow from the entertainment district of the 18th arrondissement merged. There are many elegant apartments, and you can feel the exotic atmosphere of immigration.

パリ17区のメトロ路線図 Paris 17th arrondissement metro map

Batignolles organic market BIOのマルシェで買い物 バチニョール・オーガニック・マーケット Shopping at BIO Marche

Place de ClichyプラスドクリッシーからMonceauモンソー公園の間くらいにBIO食品を扱う市場があります。バチニョール・オーガニック・マーケットはBIO(オーガニック食品、有機農産物、有機加工食品、有機畜産物などの食品の総称。土壌からかなり気を付けた食品です。)の市場。毎週1回くらい開催されます。農家直送なので種類も数も豊富でただ見て回るだけでもわくわくすると思います。

Between Place de Clichy and Monceau Monceau park there is a BIO food market. Batignolles organic market is a BIO (general term for foods such as organic foods, organic agricultural products, organic processed foods, and organic livestock products. Foods that have been carefully taken care of from the soil.) market. It is held about once a week. Since it is directly delivered from the farm, there are many types and numbers, and I think it will be exciting just to look around.

BIOの野菜が綺麗に並べられています。これを見学するだけでも楽しいです。BIO vegetables are neatly arranged. It's fun just to see it.


Even if you don't cook during your stay, you can eat fruits in your hotel room.

Batignolles organic market 34 Bd des Batignolles, 75017 Paris ←Google mapへ


From around 9:00 on Saturdays, the Marché will appear in the center of the wide street. We recommend going early.

Le Bistrot d' Antoine 親しみやすいビストロで一息 ビストロ・ダントワンヌ Take a break in an intimate bistro


There is a quiet residential area in the suburbs outside the 17th ward, so the 17th ward has a relatively calm image overall. Cafes and bistros also have a relatively calm atmosphere. D'Antoine is a bistro loved by locals in the 17th arrondissement. You can enjoy classic French cuisine and delicious wine.

Google mapより お店外観 Shop photo from Google Maps
ステーキと鴨のコンフィ Steak with Cream Sauce and Duck Confit
Le Bistrot d' Antoine 17 Rue Vernier, 75017 Paris ←Google mapへ

お店サイト https://le-bistrotdantoine.business.site/

-フランスfrance, 旅行Travel
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