フランスfrance 旅行Travel

【パリ19区】パリに4年住んだ管理人が勧めるカフェ・レストラン The cafe and restaurant recommended by me who lived in Paris for 4 years.Paris 19th arr.


paris 19th
パリ19区のメトロ路線図 Paris 19th arrondissement metro map

素敵な運河と新しくて古い集合住宅が見れる街19区 19th arrondissement of Paris where you can see nice canals and new and old apartments


The language school I attended since my third year in Paris was located in the 19th and 20th arrondissements, and I often walked up from Canal Saint-Martin to Le Bassin de la Billette.
This area is pleasant in summer, and autumn and winter can be lonely, but the scenery is beautiful, so it's a good place to take a walk.

築100~200年近いアパルトマンと築50年くらいの新しい?アパルトマンが混在してて面白い。 Google mapより It's interesting to see a mixture of apartments from nearly 100~200 years ago and new apartments from around 50 years ago. From Google map。
ル・バッサン・ドゥ・ラ・ビレットの端からの眺め Google mapより View from the edge of Le Bassin de la Billet from Google map。

Chamroeun Crimée 語学学校で出会ったカンボジアの青年たちを思い出す店 シャムルンクリメ A store that reminds me of Cambodian youths I met at a language school

レストラン外観 restaurant photo from Google Maps

Chamroeun Crimée シャムルン クリメ、カンボジア料理レストランです。

When I went to language school, I was in the same class as some students from Cambodia. At that time, I think Cambodia was about to return to peace after the dictatorship of the Pol Pot faction collapsed.
All of them were so small and thin that I thought the dictatorship at that time was quite harsh, but their eyes were shining with hope for the future, and their handsome features left an impression on me. .
The men were kind and gentlemanly, and the women were modest and always smiling. It's a pity that we didn't see each other after the class changed.
Well, I will introduce a shop that reminds me of Cambodian youth.
Chamroeun Crimée A Cambodian restaurant.
Vietnamese food, Laotian food, Cambodian food, pho, fried spring rolls, etc. are similar, and there are similar dishes, but I feel that there are relatively many customers from Cambodia.

パパイヤのサラダ、揚げ春巻き、ミントや香菜がたっぷり付いてきます。Comes with papaya salad, fried spring rolls, mint and coriander.Shop photo from Google Maps.
左から細麺に揚げ春巻きと野菜炒めが乗ったまぜそば、豚肉のフォー、チキンライス。From the left, mixed noodles with thin noodles, fried spring rolls, and stir-fried vegetables, pork pho, and chicken rice.Shop photo from Google Maps.
入り口は2つあります。There are two entrances to the restaurant.photo from Google Maps.
Chamroeun Crimée 4 Rue Mathis, 75019 Paris ←Google mapへ

Rosa Bonheur 絵画のようなビュット=ショーモン公園の中で憩いのひと時 ロザ・ボヌール Relax in the picturesque Parc des Buttes-Chaumont

絵画の中に入ったような錯覚をする美しさ。ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes-Chaumont
The beauty that creates the illusion of being inside a painting. Park Buttes-Chaumont

ビュット・ショーモン公園(仏:Parc des Buttes-Chaumont)は、パリ北東部、19区の南部にある公園。Butteは小さな丘を、Chaumontは禿山を意味する。
ヴァンセンヌの森、ブーローニュの森、ラ・ヴィレット公園及びテュイルリー庭園に次ぐ、パリで5番目に大きな緑地である。 採石場の跡に作られた公園であり、30メートル以上の高低差がある(概ね北側中央部が低く、周辺が高い 。)。
当時ベルヴィルというコミューンにあった採石場は、このコミューンがパリに併合されたパリ再編の年である1860年まで運営されていた。石膏の採掘のため禿山になったことから Chaumont(Chauve-mont=裸の山)の名がつき、採石場閉鎖後は、処刑場、屠殺場、汚物処理場などに使われてゴミ捨て場と化して荒れ果てていたものを、セーヌ県知事だったジョルジュ・オスマンが公園として整備することを計画した。


Parc des Buttes-Chaumont (France: Parc des Buttes-Chaumont) is a park in the south of the 19th arrondissement in the northeastern part of Paris. Butte means small hill and Chaumont means bald mountain.
With an area of ​​about 25ha, it is one of the largest green spaces in Paris. It was completed in 1867, late in the reign of Napoleon III, by the civil engineer and landscape architect Jean-Charles Alpin, under the governor of the Seine, Georges Haussmann.
It is the fifth largest green space in Paris, after the Bois de Vincennes, the Bois de Boulogne, the Parc de la Villette and the Tuileries Gardens. The park was built on the site of a quarry, and has a height difference of 30 meters or more (generally lower in the central part of the north side and higher in the surrounding area).
It became a quarry for gypsum and millstones for the construction of buildings in the center of Paris. The site also served as a septic tank and garbage dump.
The quarry, then located in the commune of Belleville, operated until 1860, the year of the reorganization of Paris, when the commune was annexed to Paris. It was named Chaumont (Chauve-mont = Naked Mountain) because it was turned into a bare mountain due to mining of gypsum. Georges Haussmann, who was the governor of the Seine, planned to develop it into a park.

レストラン外観 木曜から日曜まで営業 restaurant photo from Google Maps.Open from Thursday to Sunday.


If you get tired from walking around the park, take a break at the cafe. The interior is lively with decorations. The interior is elaborate because it is run by a movie company. The food ranges from junky to elaborate, and will recharge your tired body from walking.

本格的なピザやチキン、アルコールもあります。There are also authentic pizza, chicken and alcohol.
甘いものやキッシュも充実しています。Sweets and quiche are also substantial.
Rosa Bonheur 2 Av. de la Cascade, 75019 Paris ←Google mapへ

-フランスfrance, 旅行Travel
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