フランスfrance 旅行Travel

【パリ1区】パリに4年住んだ管理人が勧めるカフェ・レストラン The cafe and restaurant recommended by me who lived in Paris for 4 years. Paris 1st arr.


First of all, I think that the level of the Japanese restaurant industry is high above all. From fast food to high-end restaurants, of course, I think the taste, service, and price are the best.
Even though France is a country of gastronomy, I think it is no match for the Japanese tongue.

1区のメトロ路線図 Paris 1st arrondissement metro map

庶民的なピザ屋とおしゃれなカフェバー A popular pizzeria and a fashionable cafe bar.


It is in the middle of the 1st arrondissement of Paris. The Louvre Museum is also in the 1st arrondissement.
There are fashionable cafes, fine cafes and restaurants everywhere.
I recommend a shop where locals go and poor international students (that's me) also go, so I hope you can think of it as a shop that is easy to enter and familiar with.


If you live in the capital, I would like to introduce you to the shops that I was happy to visit while I lived.
I've lived in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, the caretaker, so first I would like to introduce you to a pizza restaurant and cafe bar in the neighborhood.

LA TAVOLA CALDAラ タボラ カルダ 39 Rue des Bourdonnais, 75001 Paris

LA TAVOLA CALDAラ タボラ カルダ 最寄り駅 シャトレ レアール(Chatelet Les Halles)

LA TAVOLA CALDA There is a lycee (high school) on the left side, and a big station (subway) called Les Halls on the right side, which is just one alley from the downtown area. There is also a long-established vegan restaurant.
The old-fashioned thick pizza and Italian pasta are available, and the taste is nostalgic, delicious, generous, and reasonably priced.
Terrace seats are also available on the sidewalk in the summer. The store is small, but it's always full, so it seems to be a store that regulars go to.

トリップアドバイザーより写真引用↑↑↑Photo quote from TripAdvisor


Carpe Diem Café 最寄り駅 シャトレ レアール(Chatelet Les Halles)
カルプディエムカフェ は、ピザ屋ラ タボラ カルダから数メートル先角にあるカフェバーです。ちょっとおしゃれなカフェです。

Carpe Diem Café is a cafe bar located a few meters away from the pizzeria La Tabora Calda. It's a little fashionable cafe.

オープン時は扉がすべて全開で中の良い雰囲気が見えます。Carpe Diem Café 21 Rue des Halles, 75001 Paris,




When I pass in front of the shop, it has a very nice atmosphere with food and coffee, a nice smell mixed with cigarettes, people's chattering voice, the sound of tableware and glasses, and moody music.
The price is normal or the market price, so you can put it in with confidence.

LA TAVOLA CALDA ←google mapへ→ Carpe Diem Cafe

入ってみたいカフェ アンジェリーナ Cafe I want to enter Angelina Paris

アンジェリーナ 最寄り駅 1番線チュイルリー駅(Tuileries)

Angelina is a long-established sweets shop in front of Tuileries Garden on Rue de Rivoli, and although the shop is full of tourists, Mont Blanc and cakes look very delicious, and the interior and furnishings are nice, and once fashionable. It is a shop that I would like to enter.

Google mapより お店外観 226 Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris
お店サイトより ANGELINA名物モンブランMont Blanc

1903年創業、120年も続くサロン・ド・テ、優雅なティータイムが過ごせそうです。インスタにもたくさん投稿されているので、行く前に要チェックです。このショコラショ(chocolat chaud)についてくる生クリームがまた美味しそうですね♪

Founded in 1903, Salon de Te, which has continued for 120 years, seems to be able to spend an elegant tea time. There are many posts on Instagram, so be sure to check before you go. The fresh cream that comes with this chocolat chaud looks delicious again ♪
Not only sweets, but also sandwiches, burgers and risottos.

Angelina Paris ←Google mapへ

-フランスfrance, 旅行Travel
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