フランスfrance 旅行Travel

【パリ20区】パリに4年住んだ管理人が勧めるカフェ・レストラン The cafe and restaurant recommended by me who lived in Paris for 4 years.Paris 20th arr.


paris 20th from Google map
パリ20区の交通機関 Paris 20th arrondissement metro map

こちらの墓地には数々の伝説の有名人のお墓があります。あの ショパン!バルザック!オスカーワイルド!ジムモリソン!エディットピアフ!モリエール!プルースト!アポリネール!ロッシーニ!コレット!モディリアニ!などなどなど!!!超有名人のお墓がいっぱいです!散歩がてらお墓巡りもいいかもしれません。

With Père Lachaise Cemetery, the 20th arrondissement faces the suburbs and is full of foreign culture.
This cemetery contains the tombs of many legendary celebrities. Um, Chopin! Balzac! Oscar Wilde! Jim Morrison! Edit Piaf! Moliere! Proust! Apollinaire! Rossini! Colette! Modigliani! And so on! ! ! It's full of celebrity graves! It might be nice to take a walk and visit the graves.

ペール・ラシェーズ墓地入り口の一つ One of the entrances to Pere Lachaise Cemetery



A friend of mine lived in Belleville and I used to visit him. There are many Asians, including Chinese, and there are also many people of African descent. It was an area that I never got tired of, with cute African textile shops and a Chinese supermarket.

Restaurant Wen Zhou Mei Shi Lin ベルビルの人気中華レストラン Popular Chinese Restaurants in Belleville ウェンチュウメイシーリン

Restaurant Wen Zhou Mei Shi Lin

ベルビルの駅を出てすぐの通りにある人気の中華レストランWen Zhou Mei Shi Linウェンチュウメイシーリン。家庭料理がメインで何を食べても美味しくて価格もリーズナブル。地元住民も多く通います。

Wen Zhou Mei Shi Lin, a popular Chinese restaurant located just outside the station in Belleville. Home cooking is the main, and whatever you eat is delicious and the price is reasonable. Many locals also go there.
Stir-fried rice cakes and vegetables are also delicious, and jasmine rice is also fragrant.

お店のサイトから、メニューの一部 Part of the menu from the restaurant's website
Restaurant Wen Zhou Mei Shi Lin 16 Rue de Belleville, 75020 Paris

Le Zéphyr 20ème ル・ゼフィア・ヴァンチエム ベルビルのクラシックなでパリを満喫 Enjoy Paris at Belleville's Classic Brasserie.

Shop photo from Google Maps

さて、ピレネー駅からピレネー通りを下っていくと細い路地があり、ちょっと入るとこちらのクラシックなブラッスリーLe Zéphyr 20èmeがあります。気取らず入れて、美味しいフレンチをリーズナブルな価格で味わうことが出来ます。

You are an advanced Parisian as you climb up to the top of Belleville Hill. When I was there, it was fine during the day, but at night I felt a little hesitant to walk alone with a woman, so I always made it a point to walk with my male friends.
By the way, if you go down Pyrenees Street from Pyrenees Station, there is a narrow alley, and if you enter a little, you will find this classic brasserie Le Zéphyr 20ème. You can enjoy delicious French cuisine at a reasonable price without being pretentious.
After eating, take a walk and look over the city of Paris from a small hill before returning.

お店のサイトより、メニューの一部の写真 Part of the menu from the restaurant's website
Le Zéphyr 20ème 1 Rue du Jourdain, 75020 Paris

-フランスfrance, 旅行Travel
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