実際に行って良かったニューヨークの名所 A famous place in New York that I was really glad to visit
What about tourist attractions like those listed in the guide?
Here are some of the tourist attractions in New York that were really good to visit.
- WTC オキュラス
- WTC グラウンドゼロ
- WTC~チェンバーズストリートまでの地下道
- NY公共図書館
- NMAI 国立アメリカインディアン博物館
- THE MET メトロポリタン美術館
- THE MET ブロイヤー
- THE MET Cloisters クロイスターズ
- Neue Galerie New York
- GUGGENHEIMグッゲンハイム美術館
- MoMA
- リンカーンセンター オペラハウス
- ホイットニー美術館
- アメリカ自然史博物館
- エンパイアステートビルとその周辺
- ミュージカル/タイムステスクエア/ブロードウェイ
- ブルーノート
- メイシーズ
- ウォール街
- ハイライン/Chelseaチェルシー
- セントラルパーク
- 5番街
- ブルックリン ウィリアムズバーグ
- ブルックリン ダンボ
- ブルックリン橋
- グランドセントラルターミナル駅
- WTC Oculus
- WTC Ground Zero
- Underpass to WTC Chambers Street
- NY Public Library
- NMAI National Museum of the American Indian
- THE MET Metropolitan Museum of Art
- THE MET Breuer
- THE MET Cloisters
- Neue Galerie New York
- MoMA
- Lincoln Center Opera House
- Whitney Museum of American Art
- American Museum of Natural History
- Empire State Building and its surroundings
- Musical / Time Test Square / Broadway
- Blue note
- Macy's
- Wall street
- Highline / Chelsea Chelsea
- Central Park
- Fifth Avenue
- Brooklyn Williamsburg
- Brooklyn Dumbo
- Brooklyn Bridge
- Grand Central Terminal Station
1-5, 18-27 are mainly strolling around the city, and 6-17 are facilities that require an admission fee, but if you use the timing and tickets, you can enter the sister facility for free.
WTC is the World Trade Center.
ニューヨーク観光 WTC オキュラス 地下道 Sightseeing in New York WTC Oculus and Underpass

WTCワールドトレードセンター駅 オキュラス WTC World Trade Center Station Oculus

Oculus is one of the stations that you should definitely visit as a building, but the part on the ground is like an eyelash, and it is a mysterious and very wide station where you can see the whale skeleton from the inside. Oculus is a Latin word meaning "eyes".

Depending on the time of year, there are exhibits of artists, and there are plenty of attractions.

WTCワールドトレードセンター グラウンドゼロ WTC World Trade Center Ground Zero

It is still hard to believe that three such large buildings collapsed due to the collision of three planes, but it is a site where we cannot help feeling the regrets of the victims and their bereaved families.

And I thought that the strong point of Americans is to rebuild a larger building so as to repel the fear of being targeted by terrorism.
WTCからチェンバーズストリート駅までの不思議な地下道 A mysterious underpass from the WTC to Chambers Street Station

【1998年にクリスティン・ジョンズとアンドリュー・ギンゼルが制作したOculus (ラテン語で「目」)のモザイクが駅の至るところに300枚以上散りばめられている。この目は数百人のニューヨーカー達の写真をモデルにしたものである。】
When I first passed here, I was scared! Creepy! I thought, but the place is only the place, maybe the eyes of the victims of 911? While thinking about various things, I thought that it was like a sticker for Japanese crime prevention eyes, and when I investigated what it was actually,
[More than 300 Oculus (Latin "eyes") mosaics produced by Christine Johns and Andrew Ginsel in 1998 are scattered throughout the station. This eye is modeled after the photographs of hundreds of New Yorkers. ](by wikipedia)
It's creepy when you go through this passage late at night, but it might be nice because people who do bad things don't seem to be thanks to this eye.
By the way, you can go from WTC station to Chambers Street station by underpass, so it was very convenient even on cold or rainy days.

ウォール街を街ブラしつつベーグルランチとNMAIへ Stroll around Wall Street to Bagel Lunch and NMAI

Now, walk from WTC to Wall Street. As an overseas drama lover, I was excited to see the new buildings and historical buildings.

There are many tourists on Wall Street, but it was very nice to see men and women in cool suits who seemed to be working in this area walking around quickly! Moreover, the style is good!
I think you're training your body to match your suit.

ストーン・ストリート歴史地区 Stone Street Historic District


そしてコエンティーズ・アレー沿いの一群の建物をストーン・ストリート歴史地区(Stone Street Historic District)と呼ばれている。
Residents of New York told me to watch this place, and I searched for Wall Street for a while, but suddenly a classic cityscape appeared through the skyscrapers.
From asphalt to cobblestone bumpy roads, old brick low-floor buildings, you can wonder what it was like when the United States was founded.
Stone Street,
Reference site: From Wikipedia
South William Street,
Pearl Street,
And the group of buildings along the Coenties Slip is called the Stone Street Historic District.

ウォール街でニューヨークベーグルを食べる Eat New York bagels on Wall Street

I was hungry around here, so I decided to have lunch, so I searched for a bagel sandwich shop because I was on Wall Street.
Since lunch time had already passed, all the shops were vacant, but I entered by intuition with the signboard.
I often go inside the store, choose the type of bagel, the ingredients inside, the vegetables I want to sandwich, and specify how the bagel is baked … ..
I sandwiched potato tuna salad on plain and my friend sandwiched shrimp salad.
You can choose "it" from the showcase as the tool to put in between, like an ice cream shop.
Bagel sandwiches and coffee cost about $ 10.
I was hungry, but the bagels that came out were so big! This is the size that it was okay for two people to divide one sandwich (because it cuts it in half). I managed to eat it.

3 Hanover Square, New York, NY 10004
NMAI国立アメリカインディアン博物館 National Museum of the American Indian

すごく面白いのに入場料タダ!It's really interesting, but the admission fee is free!
NMAI国立アメリカインディアン博物館 は、ジョージ・グスタフ・ヘイが、1903年から実に54年の歳月をかけて南北アメリカを旅してアメリカ・インディアンの関連物を収集した品々と西半球の先住民の生活様式や歴史・美術品が展示されています。
The National Museum of the American Indian is a collection of American Indian-related items and the lifestyle and history of the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere, where George Gustav Heye traveled from 1903 to 54 years in the Americas.・ Art works are on display.
I didn't take any pictures because I thought I shouldn't take pictures of the exhibits like in Japan, but the buildings and exhibits are really wonderful.
Moreover, admission is free all year round.
From something that feels familiar to Asians to something that is mysterious in space, this is a facility that you should definitely visit.
By the way, this museum is in the same building as Alexa Thunder Hamilton United States Customs, and you can check your luggage when you enter. It is also recommended to enjoy the profound and historic buildings from the entrance.

隣の歴史的建造物 IMMビルディング Adjacent historic building IMM building

What are these emblems?
1階にはCitiBankが入っていてビルの入り口の上に気になる文字と紋章がありました。NUMBER ONEとかCABIN CLASSとか…
NUMBER ONEは何かと言いますと、面した通りがブロードウェイなんですが、ブロードウェイ1番地という住所でした。
CABIN CLASSは、昔コチラのビルはThe International Mercantile Marine Companyというだけあって、商船会社の本社だったよう。だからCABIN CLASSか…。

There is a nice building diagonally in front of the National Museum of the American Indians.
There was CitiBank on the 1st floor, and there was an interesting letter and emblem above the entrance of the building. NUMBER ONE or CABIN CLASS …
What is NUMBER ONE? The street you face is Broadway, but it was the address of Broadway 1.
CABIN CLASS seems to have been the headquarters of a commercial shipping company because the building here used to be called The International Mercantile Marine Company. So CABIN CLASS …
There are many coats of arms around the windows on the second floor, which looks like the coat of arms of a trading city.
I was thrilled to see many wonderful historical buildings in the United States.