台湾Taiwan 旅行Travel

台北市内の100年前の建築物を見る3 See 100-year-old buildings in Taipei City 3


国立台湾師範大学 旧台北高等学校 National Taiwan Normal University.Former Taipei High School


The school building that I was hanging around in Taipei City and passed by was wonderful, so I was allowed to enter for a while.

学生さんが笑顔で挨拶してくれました。The student greeted me with a smile.



During the Japanese rule, there was an old Taihoku High School (founded in 1922) where students who went on to imperial university mainly studied, and it was learned by Lee Teng-hui, the 8th-9th president of Taiwan.
Initially, the tuition fee system was completely publicly funded, and students were obliged to be appointed as teachers after graduation. The public expense system is no longer in place.
Until that time, the minimum admission score for liberal arts such as English, Japanese literature, and history was higher than that of Taiwan University.
Now that it has become possible to train teachers at general universities under the Teacher Education Law, the Normal University has newly established the Science and Technology Academy and is seeking to convert it to a large-scale university.
Let's go inside now.

by Wikipedia
12月に行ったので大きなツリーが飾ってありました。I went there in December, so there was a big tree on display.
設計:八坂志賀助 大正11年(1922年)営繕課技師に任じられ、台湾大学[旧台北帝国大学]と台湾師範大学[旧台北高等学校]の設計に参加。
It is a stylish building. There is a big fountain in front.
Design: Shigasuke Yasaka was appointed as a repair department engineer in 1922, and participated in the design of Taiwan University [former Taipei Imperial University] and Taiwan Normal University [former Taipei High School].
右側を見るとヤシの木が並んでいて南国を感じます。Looking to the right, palm trees are lined up and feel the tropical country.
部室のような個室がたくさん並んだ建物あり。There is a building with many private rooms like club rooms.
左を見るとこれまた瀟洒な講堂があります。Looking to the left, there is another elegant auditorium.

1929年、井手 薫が台北高等学校講堂(現・国立台湾師範大学禮堂)を建築した。
井手 薫 :台湾総督府営繕課在任中、台湾の官庁や民間建築を多く手がけ、その設計理念と風格は台湾建築界に影響を与えた。

In 1929, Kaoru Ide built the Taihoku High School Auditorium (currently National Taiwan Normal University Reido).
Kaoru Ide: During his tenure at the Government-General of Taiwan's Repair Department, he worked on many government offices and private buildings in Taiwan, and his design philosophy and style influenced the Taiwanese architectural world.

校舎入り口から門の方を見た。門も立派です。I looked toward the gate from the entrance of the school building. The gate is also excellent.
中にもクリスマスツリーが飾られていました。A Christmas tree was also displayed inside.
なんて書いてあるかはわかりませんが、大学っぽい掲示板が出てきました。掲示板も中華風ですね。I don't know what it says, but a university-like bulletin board has appeared. The bulletin board is also Chinese style.
なんか素敵です。植木鉢が管理している方の生活感が出ているようでいいです。wonderful. Also, the flowerpots seem to give a sense of life to those who manage the school building.
街路樹下に学生たちが団欒しています。Students are gathering under the street tree.
このベンチで寝そべってストレッチしている最中にヤシの実が落ちてきませんように。Don't let the palms fall while the students are lying down and stretching on this bench.


I am very envious of the fact that the 100-year-old building is still being restored and used carefully. I thought it would be great if Japan, the same earthquake-prone country, could incorporate this kind of thing.

おまけ 台北の猫ちゃん Bonus Taipei cat


Sorry to keep you waiting! For cat fans, this is an introduction to the cats I saw in Taipei City.

西門紅楼にいた黒ぶち猫さんです。写真撮る間もなく去ってしまいました。It is a black tabby cat who was in the Ximen Red House. I left shortly after taking a picture.
I saw a calico cat in the grass on the roadside tree. Are you waiting for rice when you see the plate in the back?
毛並みも良いので面倒見ている方がいる様子。The coat is also good, so it seems that some people are taking care of it.
ごはん当番はまだかにゃ?Isn't the rice duty yet?

-台湾Taiwan, 旅行Travel
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