フランスfrance 旅行Travel

【パリ3区】パリに4年住んだ管理人が勧めるカフェ・レストラン The cafe and restaurant recommended by me who lived in Paris for 4 years. Paris 3rd arr.


Google mapより パリ3区
3区 公共交通機関

アールエメチエ駅は必見 Look at the station Arts et Métiers!

レストランでもカフェでもないのですが、パリの地下鉄駅で観てほしいのはこのアールエメチエArts et Métiers駅です。駅11番線ホームもカッコイイ上、エスカレーターが木なんです。今も一部残っていることを切に願います。なくなっていたら残念です。

It's neither a restaurant nor a cafe, but what you want to see at the Paris subway station is this Arts et Métiers station. The platform on line 11 of the station is also cool, and the escalator is a tree. I sincerely hope that some of them still remain. I'm sorry if it's gone.

Wikipediaより 11番線駅ホーム 潜水艦を模しているそうです。おしゃれ。It seems that it imitates a submarine at the station platform of line 11. Fashionable.

駅名の「Arts et Métiers」とは工芸を意味し、国立工芸院、および工芸博物館に隣接することにちなむ。
The station name "Arts et Métiers" means crafts, named after the National Conservatory of Arts and the Metiers Art Museum.

Google mapより 駅出てすぐ。工芸の街3区。Immediately after leaving the station. Craft town 3 wards.

小さなチャイナタウンがある街3区 3 Arr. of town with a small Chinatown.

Google mapより 中華・韓国・ベトナムなどアジア系のお店が並ぶ。Asian shops such as Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese are lined up.


早い!安い!うまい!温州點心店 18,rue au Maire quick! cheap! good!


While studying abroad, I used to go to this shop a lot.
A meat bun with Chinese ingredients wrapped in mochi can be taken out for less than 1 euro, and it is big and satisfying to eat, and even one piece will fill your stomach.
Of course, I ate and drank in the store, but can I eat this much for less than 10 euros nowadays? It was the price setting. The taste is delicious, and it comes out soon, and it is a shop that has the triple time signature of "quick and cheap".

There is also a supermarket that sells Chinese ingredients on this street, and you can buy tofu.

チャイナタウンの横にモロッコ Le 404 モロッコ料理 Morocco next to Chinatown.Moroccan cuisine.

Google mapより Le404 69,rue des Gravillers ランチタイムと夜営業。


A nice lamp hangs in the dimly lit store, and you can feel like you're in Morocco even though it's Paris.
You can enjoy a lot of Moroccan food, tea and sweets as well as couscous, but since there is a lot of it, if you want to enjoy various kinds, it would be nice if about 4 people can go.

温州點心店Le404 ←Google mapへ

-フランスfrance, 旅行Travel
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